Ukraine, what the joint supplies of Berlin and Washington mean –

by time news

The military point 323 | The parallel Berlin-Washington move contains a concrete meaning and a political signal of a common will. And, despite controversies and criticisms of the Chancellery, he extended the list of German aid

Wagner’s Russian mercenaries continue in the bloody assault on Bakhmut not only for war reasons. There is – according to the United States – a goal that should not be underestimated: the control of some mines of salt and chalk. A search for profits similar to that conducted in some African states, where the militia of Evgeny Prigozhin had its baptism of fire.

The ambitions

Washington’s accusation may have a foundation. The company deals with security but also one penetration tool deployed by the Kremlin to protect business, investments, exploitation of resources. And many parts of occupied Ukraine are important in this respect. At the same time, the US version espouses the portrayal of the Wagnerites as a special arm of the Kremlin, a Russian version of Iranian pasdarans. The guardians of the revolution, in addition to representing a powerful force, have links, through their representatives, with the economy.

An irreplaceable component in the balance of power of the ayatollahs. Prigozhin is pushing his company in that direction, proposing it as an apparatus capable of giving answers on several levels, with ambition and capacity (at least on paper). Except then unload the responsibilities on others if things go wrong. In Bakhmut, his units have conquered positions – even in the last two days – but suffered substantial losses, it was Prigozhin himself who recognized him while meeting new recruits. A presence near the front line to underline how the city is a primary destination for the phalanx.

Common help

With a joint move Americans and Germans have announced new aid packages to Kiev. Consistent. The US will send 50 Bradley armored vehicles, ammunition and components that will be announced shortly. Germany has finally unlocked the Marder armored vehicles (about 40), to which are added a battery of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, pick-ups equipped with anti-tank, drone intercepting equipment, heavy logistics vehicles, winter equipment, generators. The parallel Berlin-Washington move contains a concrete meaning and a political signal of a common will. Furthermore, despite the controversies and criticisms of the Chancellery, he extended the list of material guaranteed by the Germans. Extended support which does not satisfy those who would like to send tanks, a point on which the executive does not give in.

However There are those who see a different scenario with the West ready to send the systems denied up to now. And it does so by citing Paris’s decision to guarantee a certain number of Amx 10 light tanks and Bastion armored vehicles. A couple of US officials anonymously quoted by Politico they assumed that the next step will be the delivery of tanks, from old German Leopards to Abrams. Even if they will involve new logistical headaches, elaborate maintenance, high fuel consumption especially for the latter.

The revelation – technique – on the modifications made by the Ukrainians to their Buk anti-aircraft systems: Now they will be able to fire western Sea Sparrow missiles, a solution to circumvent the supply problem. Another proof of resistance adaptation which also started producing new shells for its artillery. They employ less powerful explosive but with an affordable cost for an industry forced to work in difficult conditions.

The transition

For the experts, Western assistance plans are pursuing some targets: the progressive transition for Ukraine from Soviet means to NATO ones with less difficulty in obtaining ammunition; the availability of means to increase the mobility and quality of existing battalions and those to be formed; the search for solutions that allow Zelensky’s soldiers to face the new challenges. The lifeblood of friendly countries has brought supplies on a continuous cycle on the battlefield and $31 billion in non-military assistance: a huge budget with which the government paid for wages, pensions, services for citizens.

January 6, 2023 (change January 6, 2023 | 5:39 pm)

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