Ukrainian Refugees Confront Poland’s Abortion Law

by time news

“Ninety-nine Ukrainian women have already contacted me since 1is march to ask me how to have an abortion or get a morning after pill”, tell to The Republic Justyna Wydrzynska, activist of Abortion Without Borders, a coalition of several Polish and international NGOs.

The Italian newspaper describes “the fear and anxiety” Ukrainian refugee women in Poland, where all abortion is prohibited, except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is in danger. They are afraid of outlawing themselves. In Ukraine abortion is allowed up to the twelfth week of pregnancy.

“These are women fleeing an invasion. Raped by Russian soldiers. Traumatized by bombs. They are in a complicated situation, sometimes too complicated, to carry out a pregnancy. But they find themselves in another trench, in a more devious but no less painful war.”

“They are rather trying to get by in Ukraine”

The Republic also met Krystyna Kacpura,

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