Ukrainian Sea Drones Attack Russian Navy Base near Black Sea Port

by time news

Ukrainian Sea Drones Attack Russian Navy Base near Novorossiysk Port

August 4, Reuters – In a startling turn of events, Ukrainian sea drones launched an attack on a Russian navy base near the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk early on Friday. The attack was met with swift retaliation from Russian warships, resulting in the destruction of the sea drones, according to Russia’s defense ministry.

The Novorossiysk port, which serves as a major hub for Russian exports, was compelled to halt all ship movement temporarily in response to the attack. The Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which operates an oil terminal in Novorossiysk, confirmed the suspension of ship movements.

Reports of explosions and gunfire were shared by Russian social media users who were present near Novorossiysk during the attack. If confirmed, this would be the first instance of a Ukrainian attack on one of Russia’s principal commercial ports.

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium, responsible for loading oil onto tankers in Novorossiysk, stated that their facilities were undamaged, and oil loadings continued uninterrupted onto tankers already moored in the port.

Videos posted on local online communities and disseminated by the Russian news outlet Astra showcased the movement of ships off the coast, with the distinct sound of gunfire emanating from the sea.

Russia’s RIA news agency reported that Novorossiysk’s emergency services had confirmed the occurrence of blasts, and the security services had been notified. As one of the largest ports in the Black Sea, any attacks on Novorossiysk could have severe implications for regional commerce.

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium, predominantly responsible for exporting Kazakh crude, plays a crucial role in the region’s oil industry.

Tensions in the Black Sea and adjacent ports have been escalating since Russia’s refusal last month to extend an agreement that allowed for the safe export of grain from Ukrainian ports. In response, Russian drones and missiles have targeted several Ukrainian port facilities and grain silos in and around the Black Sea region.

Furthermore, Russia has reported a separate attack involving Ukrainian sea drones targeting their warships that were escorting a civilian vessel.

Russian air defenses engaged in combat against the escalating threat, successfully downing 10 Ukrainian drones over Crimea on Friday morning. The Russian defense ministry cited that an additional three drones were suppressed using electronic countermeasures.

The situation remains tense as both sides continue to exchange hostilities in the Black Sea. The international community is closely monitoring the developments and hopes for a peaceful resolution to the escalating conflict.

Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Tom Hogue, Kim Coghill, and Michael Perry

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