Ukrainian Soldier Implores US Lawmakers for Aid as 150 Activists Rally in Washington, DC

by time news

Title: Ukrainian Soldier Urges US Lawmakers to Support Ukraine Amidst Aid Controversies

Date: October 25, 2022

Washington, DC – Vitalij Boiko, a Ukrainian soldier currently serving in Ukraine’s National Guard, has taken on a different battlefront this week as he meets with US lawmakers to advocate for continued support for his war-torn country. Boiko, who is set to deploy to the front lines next month, expressed his concerns that many in the US are unaware of how aid money is spent in Ukraine.

Amidst a divided Republican party in the House on whether Ukraine’s fight is also America’s fight, Boiko’s meetings have proven enlightening. He highlighted a misconception that financial help to Ukraine goes directly to the country, stating, “They think that they gave so much money directly to Ukraine and they can’t see where [it] is now. But it doesn’t go directly to Ukraine. It’s still in the United States.”

According to the Center for Strategic & International Studies, a think tank in Washington, of the $113 billion in total aid marked for Ukraine, a significant portion has been spent in the US or on American personnel. Although the United States has provided over $26 billion in cash to support Ukraine’s public spending, the majority of weapons and equipment transferred to Ukraine have come from existing stocks that Congress has already appropriated $26 billion to replace.

The Biden administration aims to increase this aid with its latest proposal of $61.4 billion in new assistance. Boiko emphasized the urgent need for more support, stating, “It’s not enough when we have a huge front line, more than 10,000 square kilometers.” He hopes that Americans understand the determination of Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting for their families, their children, and for their vision of living in a democracy, free from colonization.

Boiko’s passionate plea to Americans is twofold – for those unwilling to risk their lives on the front lines, he implores them to provide equipment so that Ukrainian soldiers can protect them. Addressing lawmakers, he emphasized the importance of continued aid, stating, “We don’t want to be colonized… We don’t want to be wealthy slaves. We want to live in a democracy.”

As the battle on Capitol Hill continues over Ukraine’s future and the allocation of aid, Boiko’s presence serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle faced by Ukrainians on the front lines. With his message resonating through the halls of Congress, the question of whether Ukraine’s fight is indeed America’s fight is more pressing than ever.

The world watches as US lawmakers navigate this complex situation, knowing that their decisions will have far-reaching consequences for the Ukrainian people and their fight for freedom.

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