“Ultimatum”, “spit in the face of the French people”, absence of “cap” … the reactions after Macron’s speech

by time news

Emmanuel Macron’s speech was eagerly awaited. And, the day after he spoke, the reactions rained down this Thursday morning. The President of the Republic notably called on the opposition to “clarify” within 48 hours how to “build compromises” to resolve the political crisis arising from the legislative elections.

Dismissing in a few words the hypothesis of a government of national unity, tested Tuesday and Wednesday with certain party leaders, the Head of State asked for a choice from the united left, the National Rally and the Republicans, which prevented him from having an absolute majority on Sunday.

The groups at the Palais-Bourbon must “say in complete transparency how far they are ready to go”, and this in the short term, he warned: “It will be necessary to clarify in the coming days the share of responsibility and cooperation that the different formations of the National Assembly are ready to take: enter into a coalition of government and action (or) commit to simply voting on certain texts, our budget”.

For his part, Manuel Bompard, the Insoumis MP for Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) estimated on RTL that the president’s speech was “a form of ult,” Emmanuel Macron did not make a proposal, he posed an ultimatum. Impossible for us to participate. (…) From the point of view of respect for the word of the French, it is important that the government comes to the Assembly and asks for confidence. This is not parliamentary guerrilla warfare, this is democratic debate. »

VIDEO. Macron: “I will have only one compass: that we move forward in the service of the general interest”

“There must be no deception on the goods. He was elected because the French did not want the extreme right at the head of the country, not by adherence to his project. »

“Jupiter must come back to Earth”

On the National Rally side, Jordan Bardella, president of the party, considered this Thursday morning on France Inter that “a unity government just to make it beautiful would make no sense”. According to him, this “is not justified”. “It is up to Emmanuel Macron to” say which path he will take to go to the opposition parties. (…) Jupiter must come back down to Earth”.

“We have no course, no project, no direction”

“He took note of the results, it’s already not bad [mais] by rejecting the responsibility on others, ”reacted in turn Rachida Dati this Thursday morning on LCI. “I didn’t expect him to do a mea culpa at all. He wanted to have an authorization to leave the territory: he will not be there for 4 days [mais] we have no course, no project, no direction ”, lambasted the mayor LR of the 7th arrondissement of Paris.

The Republicans are “a party of order, of responsibility: we don’t want chaos in our country. The copy will be ready: we have projects! “, added the former Keeper of the Seals. We are not for a check policy but for the revaluation of work”.

“No ultimatum”

This Thursday morning, the government spokesperson, Olivia Grégoire judged on Franceinfo this “important and expected speech:” The President of the Republic has no doubt that the opposition will have proposals, remarks, criticisms, compared to the project that we carry”. But “there is no ultimatum or question of 48 hours” to succeed, she assured.

“The President of the Republic is reaching out to all those who want to move the country forward,” added the spokesperson. To the question of whether the presidential majority will seek the votes of the National Rally or those of La France insoumise, the answer is “no”.

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