Ultimatum to the Government due to the lack of control in the transfer of immigrants

by time news

2023-10-27 20:42:33

The transfer of immigrants arriving in the Canary Islands and their relocation to hotels, hostels or military camps spread throughout the Peninsula continues to cause numerous frictions. While the Executive continues with its policy of referring people who arrive to the archipelago so as not to collapse the reception network on the islands, the municipal and regional governments do not stop criticizing the management of the migration crisis, calling it “improvisation” and denouncing the lack of information.

Discontent is growing and the initial criticism of the way in which the conflict is being faced has ended up leading to an ultimatum from the communities, which demand that the Executive convene the Sectoral Conference in the face of an “unsustainable” migration crisis. ».

Shortly after the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, denounced the “lack of coordination and improvisation” of the Government and indicated that “the minimum” he should do is “sit down” with the autonomous communities and with the city councils to see how to solve the problem , the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, entered the scene to demand “transparency, planning and coordination.” Likewise, Gamarra demanded “rigorous and detailed information” and urged the Executive to convene the communities in a Sectoral Immigration Conference.

Gamarra’s request was joined by the Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities of Castilla y León, Isabel Blanco (PP), who demanded that said meeting be convened within 48 hours, as well as the president of Murcia, the popular Fernando López Miras, who showed his indignation at not having been informed that the Government is going to enable the old naval hospital in Cartagena to welcome migrants.

For his part, the Minister of Sustainability and spokesman for the Junta de Andalucía, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, regretted that the Executive makes “unilateral decisions without counting on anyone” because “we want to collaborate so that this whole device turns out well.”

Faced with the barrage of criticism, José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, intervened to label the statements of Núñez Feijóo and several of his leaders as “irresponsible”: “These words are very irresponsible and full of falsehoods.” , responded on his

For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, insisted that the autonomous communities and city councils “are informed of the transfers that are going to be carried out” and recalled that “these institutions do not serve migrants, since it is a exclusive jurisdiction of the State”, exercised by its department.

Thus, Marlaska also attacked the “populist and irresponsible speeches” and the “ignorant” demonstrations made by Feijóo and some of his people. “That tone and those expressions lack real knowledge,” Marlaska explained, before accusing the leader of the PP of “little responsibility and little solidarity” in the face of a phenomenon, migration, which is “absolutely complex and has little to do with populist discourses and with easy answers that the only thing they demonstrate is a significant ignorance about the nature of this challenge.

The vice president of the Government of the Canary Islands and leader of the PP in the islands, Manuel Domínguez distanced himself from the criticism of his party colleagues, whom he invited to witness the reality that exists in El Hierro or Lanzarote. The popular leader urged them to discover under what conditions the immigrants arrive from the boats before using certain expressions.

For his part, the Canarian president, Fernando Clavijo, asserted that certain statements against the transfer of migrants respond to the fact that some have discovered in their territory the scope of this phenomenon “that they saw on TV” when the islands warned that they were at the limit. of its capacity with the constant arrival of cayucos. Of course, he defended that he does not know of “any” administration governed by the PP “that has refused to welcome immigrants” transferred from the Canary Islands into its territory, but rather “what they have said is that they need resources.”

#Ultimatum #Government #due #lack #control #transfer #immigrants

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