Ultimo fans show up at grandma Gina’s funeral and take pictures: “You suck. Niccolò got angry”

by time news

These are difficult days for Lastat the registry office Nicholas Moriconifor the loss of his beloved grandmother, Gina, who passed away at 96 years old last Monday. In addition to the painful mourning, however, the Roman singer he also had to deal with his fans who, aware of the artist’s usually ‘top secret’ movements, have decided to insulting the old lady’s commemorations by showing up at the funeral. Anything, just to get a selfie or an autograph from the singer.

It had been a Ultimo fandom page to try to invite everyone to avoid making extreme gesturesi just to meet their idol after some ‘fans’ had mobilized towards the clinic where the singer’s grandmother was hospitalized. Unfortunately, however, the message was of no use and these supporters, or so-called supporters, they would have decided to show up at Ultimo’s last farewell to his beloved grandmother.

And there are many fans, he reports Republicwho have reported a situation at the limit of normality. “And even at the funeral you behaved like animals – thunders an enraged user on X -. A fan told me that a little girl started taking pictures while her grandmother’s coffin was coming out. You disgust. Nic got angry. I won’t say anything else”.

Meanwhile, Ultimo has not yet commented on the matterbut it is plausible to imagine that he was not happy with this alleged violation of his privacy and that of his family.

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