Ultra-Orthodox Jews Spitting at Christian Tourists in Jerusalem: Time Report

by time news

Title: Group of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem Recorded Spitting at Christian Tourists

Subtitle: Disturbing footage highlights increase in incidents of harassment towards Christians during Sukkot

Date: October 3, 2023

A shocking video has emerged on social media showing a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting at Christian tourists in the Old City of Jerusalem, who had come to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot. The footage, first reported by journalist Nir Hasson from Time newspaper, shows adults and children from the ultra-Orthodox group spitting on the ground near the pilgrims, who were carrying a cross around the city.

This disturbing incident adds to a growing trend of harassment against Christians in Jerusalem. Local churches have reported a “sharp increase” in the amount of spitting directed at worshipers, particularly during the holiday season when large numbers of religious Jews visit the city.

The police have acknowledged the issue but have claimed that there are “legal difficulties” in taking action against those involved. Efforts are being made to address the issue by increasing police presence and working with community leaders and clergy to find a solution.

However, there are individuals who have attempted to justify the spitting. Elisha Yared, former spokesperson for Knesset member Limor Son Har-Malech and a known right-wing activist, blamed the Christian religion for the incidents. He claimed that turning the other cheek, as instructed by Christianity, is not compatible with Judaism, given historical atrocities committed against the Jewish people. Yared’s comments have drawn criticism for further inflaming tensions.

Yared had previously been involved in a murder case in Kfar Burka and was recently removed from Judea and Samaria for six months, with a ban on contact with certain individuals. This measure was taken to reduce tension in the area and prevent aggravated friction with Palestinians, according to security sources. Knesset member Son Har-Malech criticized these actions as an attempt to suppress dissent.

It is important to note that Yared also referred to the act of spitting near priests or churches as an “ancient and long-standing Jewish custom,” citing a special blessing in Halacha on the matter. However, such justifications have been met with backlash for promoting divisive attitudes and perpetuating religious intolerance.

The incidents of spitting at Christian tourists and worshippers in Jerusalem are a cause for concern, highlighting the need for increased efforts to promote religious tolerance and coexistence within the city.

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