UMC Utrecht is investigating whether one corona jab in children works just as well as two

by time news

dr. Patricia Bruijning of UMC Utrecht is conducting a study into corona vaccination in children. She is investigating whether one injection protects as well as two injections and is looking for children who want to participate in the study.

Since January 2021, children from the age of 5 can be vaccinated against corona. “When children are vaccinated against corona, they receive two injections as standard. But if you’ve had corona before, you sometimes only get one shot,” explains Bruijning. The CoVacc study is looking for two hundred children aged 5 to 11 years old in Europe, including the Netherlands. Purpose of the investigation? Find out which is actually better: one or two shots.

The children who participate in the study will receive the approved pediatric vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech. Bruijning: “The standard vaccination schedule for children from 5 years of age prescribes that two injections of 10 micrograms are given. In some countries, however, only one shot is given if children have had corona before and you do not belong to a risk group. One shot gives half the stress to the child and the parents and is expected to cause fewer side effects, but does it also work just as well?”


To find out, half of the children participating in the study will receive one shot. The other half gets two shots. In addition, it must be made clear how long one or two injections offer protection in young children and how good the protection is against any new corona variants.

Children between 5 and 11 years old can participate in the study if they have had corona and have not yet received a vaccination against corona. More information about the research can be found here.

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