UN: Algeria turns deaf ear to calls to stop the indoctrination of children on its territory (petitioner)

by times news cr

“The‌ indoctrination and recruitment of children ​by​ the armed militias of the Polisario constitute a crime ​against humanity, and a denial of the fundamental rights of the ‌children ⁣recruited, ⁢as well⁤ as a flagrant violation of the resolutions adopted by the Security Council on ​the matter,” Ms. Pace told the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly.

The ⁤speaker emphasized that ⁣the armed separatist group is “stubbornly carrying out a premeditated process ‌of indoctrination of children,” forcibly removing them from⁣ their‌ families ⁢and ‍communities, and depriving them‌ of their ⁢childhood, education, healthcare, and the opportunity to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

She ‍further⁤ noted ​that the Tindouf camps in ⁢southwestern Algeria are ⁢the “epicenter” of child soldiering, ⁣constituting one of ‌the largest concentrations of military recruitment of children in Africa. She expressed concern that the host country ⁤and ‍the Polisario are guilty of war ⁣crimes and crimes against humanity, citing a recent European Parliament report indicating that children aged 12 to 13 ⁣are subjected to military training in the Tindouf ‍camps.

“Sahrawi children in the Tindouf camps⁣ are not receiving a good education that fosters ‍critical thinking,​ but rather are forced ⁤into allegiance to the⁤ doctrine of the Polisario against their best ⁣interests,” the ‍petitioner further indicated. She⁤ stressed that the host country, Algeria, is doubly responsible‍ for the​ atrocities‍ committed on its territory.

Algeria accepted the presence of the ⁤armed militias of the Polisario on its territory while providing them with financial⁢ and military support to continue illegally​ managing militarized camps. The speaker criticized the host country for its complicit silence regarding the decades-long indoctrination of‌ children in violation of its international obligations.

the ‌speaker called on ⁢the international community to establish mechanisms ‍and instruments to protect Sahrawi children from all forms of abuse, exploitation, ​violence, and organized crime in the Tindouf camps. She ⁤emphasized that the⁢ host country, which seeks ​to deny ⁢its responsibility by⁣ delegating powers to the Polisario, must assume ⁢the fullness ⁣of its international responsibilities, particularly in terms ⁤of security and the ⁤protection of children ​living on its territory.

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