UN confirms that July is the hottest month ever recorded on Earth – News

by time news

2023-07-27 13:09:00

After three weeks of heat waves in various parts of the world, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the European observatory Copernicus believe they have enough data to announce that July will be “certainly the hottest month on record”.

“The climate extremes suffered by millions of people in July are nothing more than the harsh reality of climate change and a preview of what the future holds,” WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said on Thursday. ).

If confirmed, this month’s record will break the previous one, set in July 2019. This heat is likely “unprecedented” in thousands of years, both institutions said.

The effects of warming due to human activity have been concrete in recent weeks: fires in Greece and Canada, extreme temperatures in southern Europe, northern Africa, the United States and part of China, which has also just suffered the damage of Typhoon Doksuri.

Although other regions have a very mild and even cool summer, as is the case today in northern Europe, scientists say: “it is extremely likely” that this is “the hottest month of July ever recorded” and even “the hottest month of everyone,” announced WMO and Copernicus.

The first three weeks of July are already the three hottest on record. The temperature anomaly observed by Copernicus, whose complete data go back to 1940, is such that it is not necessary to wait for the end of the month to confirm the record.

In addition to modern measurements, paleoclimatological data, based on the growth rings of tree trunks and ice cores, allow us to point out that current temperatures “are unprecedented in our history, taking into account the last thousands of years”, said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Service (C3S).

And even “for a much longer period, probably on the order of 100,000 years,” he added at a press conference.

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