UN expresses concern over AMLO’s judicial reform

by times news cr

2024-08-05 13:25:39

The election of judges and magistrates by popular vote means a risk to the independence of the Power of attorneywarned the United Nations (UN), days before the discussion on the initiative begins in the Chamber of Deputies.

According to a letter from Margaret SatterthwaitSpecial Rapporteur for the Independence of Magistrates and Lawyerssent to the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorit is noted that the proposed reform of the Judicial Branch is worrying and asks to clarify several doubts about the proposal.

The president must indicate to the UN whether “the measures taken to ensure that the legislative reforms subject to this resolution comply with international standards and provide a non-politicized judicial selection procedure, based exclusively on merits.” and qualifications of candidates, with effective monitoring mechanisms”.

Another question for AMLO was to “indicate the measures adopted to guarantee the independence of judges and magistrates in the country, allowing them to exercise their functions freely.”Interference from others powers”.

The body dependent on the UN Human Rights Council indicates that “the popular election of judges could increase the risk that candidates for magistrates seek to please voters or campaign sponsors in order to increase their chances of reelection, rather than taking decisions based exclusively on beginning y legal norms”.

The selection of judges “poses significant risks to the impartiality of judicial decisions and could further undermine public confidence in a judiciary that already faces challenges related to its reputation and integrity. This risk is especially plausible since the reform does not establish procedures for the conduct that must be observed in the campaigns.”


For his part, Arturo Zaldívar, who was appointed general coordinator of Policy y Government of the next six-year term, he commented that the process for the election of judges is being defined, and he assured that “a good opinion” will be constructed.

Leaving the transition house of Claudia Sheinbaum, Located in Iztapalapa, the retired minister indicated that all the proposals from the forums are being listened to and analyzed to shape the judicial reform.

“I think that opposition legislators have been present at the forums, that work is now up to the legislators,” he replied. Zaldivar when asked if he will listen to the opposition.

Zaldívar was president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation from 2018 to 2022, and on November 15, 2023, he resigned from his position to join the pre-campaign of Claudia Sheinbaum.

For her part, Minister Norma Lucía Piña Hernández, president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Federal Judicial Council (CJF), yesterday inaugurated the second session period, for 2024, amid the discussion of judicial reform.

The Alto Tribunal The main pending issues are the constitutionality of pretrial detention and the presentation of its proposal to reform the justice system, which the president of the Court promised to have ready in August.

During the formal ceremony, it was reported that Ministers Lenia Batres Guadarrama and Loretta Ortiz Ahlf were members of the Recess Commission, so the Report corresponding to the matters received and attended to during this period was submitted by Minister Batres Guadarrama.

He indicated that a total of 319 files were created, of which 304 were sent to the General Undersecretariat of Agreements, related to amparo trials; 15 to the section for the Processing of Constitutional Disputes and Actions of Unconstitutionality.

There were a total of 1,067 promotions, of which 105 correspond to the First Chamber; 78 to the Second Chamber; 715 to the General Undersecretariat of Agreements; 163 to the section of Procedure for Constitutional Disputes and Actions of Unconstitutionality; one to the General Secretariat of Agreements and five regarding the Transparency Law.

Likewise, a total of 1,386 documents were received, including new files and promotions, which were received through an intercommunication module for the electronic transmission of documents between the courts of the Judicial Branch of the Federation and the Court; electronic system, judicial mailbox and window; in addition, six Agreements were signed.

The minister Lenia Batres Guadarrama He reported that during this recess period, several ministers participated in forums and public events organized to analyze the initiative for judicial reform.

2024-08-05 13:25:39

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