UN General Assembly vote on Thursday on Russia’s suspension from the Human Rights Council

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14h05 : On the air every evening on the Rossiya 1 channel, Vladimir Soloviov is one of the main propagandists of the Kremlin, which has earned him the target of European sanctions. A fire broke out this morning in his villa in Loveno (Italy), reports The Republic (in Italy), but the disaster did little damage to this house under renovation. Anti-war inscriptions were found at the same time in his other Italian villa, at Pianello del Lario.



14h01 : It’s time to take stock of the news.

After the publication of the Senate report on the growing influence of private consulting firms on public policies, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened a preliminary investigation by the head of “aggravated tax fraud laundering” concerning the McKinsey company and the question of its tax status in France.

# The prefect of the North has banned the production of pizzas at the Buitoni factory in Caudry, after several serious cases of contamination of children by the bacterium Escherichia coli and deaths, possibly linked to the consumption of these products, announces the Nord prefecture. On Friday, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced that an investigation had been opened for “involuntary homicides”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the UN Security Council after the discovery of massacres attributed to Russian forces in Boucha. We must take away Russia’s right of veto., he demanded. An impossible measure to achieve, according to experts.

13h46 : After the discovery of the Boutcha massacres, the question of rapes also begins to emerge. If, at this stage, it is very difficult to document and quantify these crimes, more and more cases are listed in Ukraine by human rights organizations and evidence is accumulating on the side of the Ukrainian authorities to prove them. However, evidence is difficult to collect.

12h34 : New sanctions have been proposed by the European Commission against Russia. The Brussels proposals must be discussed by the representatives of the Twenty-Seven before a meeting Monday of European ministers of Foreign Affairs. But, for the moment, the sanctions adopted have so far had little impact on the daily lives of Russians.

12h10 : It’s high time to take stock of the news of the morning:

#M After the publication of the Senate report on the growing influence of private consulting firms on public policies, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened a preliminary investigation by the head of “aggravated tax fraud laundering” concerning the McKinsey company and the question of its tax status in France.

# The prefect of the North has banned the production of pizzas at the Buitoni factory in Caudry, after several serious cases of contamination of children by the bacterium Escherichia coli and deaths, possibly linked to the consumption of these products, announces the prefecture du Nord. On Friday, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced that an investigation had been opened for “involuntary homicides”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the UN Security Council after the discovery of massacres attributed to Russian forces in Boucha. We must take away Russia’s right of veto., he demanded. An impossible measure to achieve, according to experts.

11h42 : One more country. Greece announces that it will expel twelve Russian diplomats, following similar decisions in recent days from other European countries. In total, nearly 200 Russian diplomats were expelled from Europe in 48 hours after reports of Boutcha’s deaths.

10h35 : In Ukraine, teams specializing in pyrotechnics continue to work to clear the territory of explosives and ammunition. Thus, since the beginning of the war, “26,526 explosive devices including 1,366 aerial bombs were neutralized”, according to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry. A dedicated number has been set up to report their presence to the authorities. A total area of ​​5,507 hectares was surveyed.


10h11 : The European Commission yesterday proposed to the Twenty-Seven to toughen the sanctions against Moscow, by stopping their purchases of Russian coal, which represent 45% of EU imports, and by closing European ports to Russian ships. But a possible embargo on oil (25% of European purchases) and gas (45% of EU imports) is the subject of bitter discussions between the Member States, Germany having publicly expressed its reluctance.

10h04 : The European Union will have to take “sooner or later” sanctions on Russian oil and gas, says European Council President Charles Michel, denouncing the “crimes against humanity” perpetrated in Boutcha “and many other cities” and Ukraine.

09h28 : Governor of Luhansk region issues evacuation order to residents (in Ukrainian), for fear that rail access will be cut off in the future. Yesterday, he said, the Russian army temporarily destroyed a railway line in the neighboring region of Donetsk. Five humanitarian corridors are planned today. Several towns, including Roubizhne, have been bombarded and dozens of residents are already flocking to the stations.


09h32 : Several of you have been asking us in recent days about how to ensure that the bodies of civilians found in Boutcha, near kyiv, were real, Russia denouncing a Ukrainian staging. “Les Révélateurs”, the fact-checking unit for images and videos of France Télévisions, details on Twitter how they proceeded to verify the Ukrainian statements.

08h26 : The United States announces the release of additional security aid to Ukraine of up to 100 million dollars (92 million euros). It is “to meet an urgent Ukrainian need for additional Javelin anti-tank systems“, according to the Pentagon spokesperson. In total, American security aid has amounted to 1.7 billion dollars since the beginning of the Russian invasion (1.6 billion euros).

08h21 : “To revise the Charter of the United Nations which specifies that Russia is one of the permanent members of the Security Council, there are two procedures (…), either an extraordinary meeting of all the States in a new conference of States, or a banal meeting of the General Assembly. But each time, it is locked upstream by a vote of agreement from the Security Council with the right of veto.

The professor emeritus at Sciences Po detailed on franceinfo why the Ukrainian president’s proposal is not applicable.If we want to deprive Russia of its right of veto, it will therefore be able to exercise its right of veto over the deprivation of its right of veto. We are therefore in a legal impossibility.

08h17 : Several headlines are also interested in the intervention of Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, before the UN yesterday. The latter demanded that Russia be excluded from the Security Council, a measure impossible to implement, experts believe.

07h35 : “I was trained in investigation methods, ethical issues, witness identification, digital evidence collection, image verification or satellite analysis”

How do we track down evidence of war crimes as they occur? Researcher at the NGO Human Rights Watch, Jonathan Pedneault traveled to Ukraine to investigate the accusations against Moscow. He granted us an interview, to be found here.

06h55 : Reception in a crèche will allow “to favor” learning French for the young children concerned. It will also allow their parents “to have respite time to focus in particular on their procedures in France”. Nurseries must report their available places to the prefect of their department.

06h54 : Ukrainian children who arrived in France following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia will be able to be accommodated in a crèche free of charge this year, the National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf) announced yesterday. The Cafés “will directly bear the cost of their reception”she added.

06h29 : We immediately take stock of the news of the moment:

The socialist Anne Hidalgo, the ecologist Yannick Jadot, the candidate LR Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the NPA Philippe Poutou and that of Reconquest! Eric Zemmour participated in the program “Elysée 2022”, last night on France 2. Find our decryption of six of their assertions.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the UN Security Council after the discovery of massacres attributed to Russian forces in Boucha. We must take away Russia’s right of veto., he demanded. Here’s what to remember from yesterday.

• The public prosecutor of Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) assured during a press conference that he “It does not appear from the testimonies collected so far that the attack was committed for discriminatory reasons”. Here is what we know about this tragedy.

Food “insufficient”financial documents “insincères”budget surpluses generated on public grants… The investigation report on Orpea highlights serious dysfunctions within the private group of Ehpad, already implicated in the book The Gravediggers.

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