UNAM creates a device that identifies genetic diseases

by time news

2024-01-09 20:00:31

Las genetic diseases They are generated by alterations in the genome. Many times they are hereditary although it is not a general condition. The truth is that when faced with this type of condition, the ideal is to achieve detection as soon as possible. The problem is that laboratory tests are not always affordable for everyone.

Based on the above, Luis Vaca Domínguez, researcher at the Institute of Cellular Physiology (IFC) from UNAM, has worked for years on an alternative. The result is a portable system for molecular diagnosis. The objective is to achieve, through predictive medicine, that doctors and patients know the future occurrence of diseases.

How does it work for the detection of genetic diseases?

In this case, the equipment works using a highly light-sensitive microarray system that identifies through a sample of human fluid (blood, saliva, tears or urine). altered molecules before they cause conditions that usually become chronic and, sometimes, irreversible.

With a prototype ready, two patents for UNAM and more than 15 years of work in this project that combines knowledge of Medicine, Chemistry, Physics and Computing, Vaca Domínguez was awarded first place in the CANIFARMA Award in the Technological Research category, an award given each year by the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (CANIFARMA).

“It is estimated that 80 percent of people in the world have a smartphone, but only 20 percent of them have access to quality health services. “Why not take advantage of this popular technology at our fingertips to access better healthcare?”

He explained that when its size is reduced and slimmed (partly bulky due to the battery) it will be able to be integrated as a case into the cell phone and perform its readings using light.

He also recalled that since the time of the Greeks, Medicine has been dedicated to trying to cure diseases, not to prevent them.

“But we must change the paradigm and move forward with molecular diagnosis, which is predictive and highly sensitive. Furthermore, with this device each patient takes responsibility for their illness and their doctor, even from a distance, can receive the molecular diagnosis to interpret it and make early decisions.”

How is gene analysis performed?

The device consists of a disposable cartridge where the sample to be analyzed is placed and a glass where the genes are printed, from there a reader identifies them through a lighting system patented by the company. UNAM.

By illuminating the glass, an image of small dots is produced and projected to the cell phone camera, which, in turn, determines the genes using software created for this task. According to the coordinates of the point that is illuminated, it is the gene of interest.

“We can detect genes involved in heart and respiratory diseases, even viruses of different types or even parasites.”

For example, added Vaca Domínguez, in respiratory diseases like influenza, the subtype of this disease is obtained with great precision. The diagnosis takes from 20 seconds to a minute and a half, depending on each case.

In addition, its battery allows you to use the device for two days in a row before recharging it again. This will help health authorities reach the most distant communities, where there is no electricity, and carry out molecular diagnoses.

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#UNAM #creates #device #identifies #genetic #diseases

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