Unanswered prayers? Augustus Nicodemus points out 3 reasons

by time news

2023-05-02 21:42:14

In the walk of faith, the Christian may come across moments when his prayer is not answered. In a didactic way, Pastor Augustus Nicodemus Lopes prepared a series on Instagram in which he explains the reasons why prayers are no longer answered by God.

The pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Recife made a series of three carousels in which he explains the reasons why God fails to answer the prayers of his servants.

Here are three reasons why God doesn’t answer prayers:

wrong motivation (Tiago 4:3)

“The reasons why we do things are of the utmost importance to God. The ultimate reason for everything we do must be the glory of God. Thus, when we ask for certain things without having the glory of God as our motivation, we are, in a sense, practicing idolatry. We are putting our interests ahead of the glory of God.

It’s not wrong to ask God for things that give us pleasure and joy, as long as they are legitimate and true. However, even legitimate things can become idols. Furthermore, not infrequently we ask God for things to satisfy secret desires for vanity, projection, prestige or even satisfaction of our ego. God, who knows our hearts, sees our motives and does not grant these requests.”

lack of faith (Tiago 1:6,7)

“Another factor that causes a ‘no’ from God is lack of faith. In this context, faith is the confidence that our God loves us, is powerful to grant our request, and sovereign to do as He wishes. It’s a humble attitude to accept whatever your answer is.

The lack of faith makes us doubt, in the depths of our hearts, the existence of God and his interest in listening to us. It is a soul-deep skepticism of the promises God has made to us in the Bible. When it seems that the Lord is not going to grant our request, let us search our hearts: do we really believe that He can do what we ask? Do we trust his power and his wisdom? Are we willing to accept whatever the answer is?”

Untreated Sins (Salmo 66:18)

“In order to lead us to self-examination, repentance, confession and life change, our God often denies our requests in order to call our attention to the fact that something is wrong in our relationship with Him. sins we commit and which we have never repented of – and therefore never confessed to God and those concerned – are frequent causes of negative answers to prayer.

If God answered the prayers of people who live in the practice of sin and without any repentance, it would be validating their sin. If God gives us a negative answer, we must proceed to a sincere examination of our lives, confess every known sin and abandon every sinful practice.

That doesn’t mean we have to be morally perfect for God to answer us. If that were the case, we would never have answers. What God requires is that we repent and confess to Him all the sins of which we are aware. Only unconfessed sins prevent answers to prayer.”

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