Uncertainty for members and instability of the system: the consequences of the sale of Banmédica – 2024-07-25 12:25:14

by times news cr

2024-07-25 12:25:14

Experts agree that UnitedHealth Group’s decision to sell its private health insurance companies Banmédica and Vida Tres in order to leave Chile is bad news and will shake up the composition of the health system.

As “Bad news for Chile“The former Minister of Health of the government of Ricardo Lagos, Pedro García, described the announcement of UnitedHealth Group on the sale of the Banmédica and Vida Tres health insurance companies, as well as the health centers they own, such as the Dávila Clinic and the Santa María Clinicamong other.

An opinion that was agreed with by the researcher from the Faculty of Administration and Economics of the Diego Portales University, Daniela Sugg, who stated that the withdrawal of our country from the company “It will greatly shake up the insurance market and the composition of the system.because the number of members that these ISAPRES have is 30% of the total.”

The experts, in conversation with THE DYNAMOreferred to the decision of the North American holding company to put its operations in South America up for sale, including countries such as Peru, Colombia and Chile.

In the case of our country, the company assured that it is due to the promulgation and execution of the Short Law on Isapres project, with the purpose of complying with the ruling of the Supreme Court which requires insurers to return excessive charges to their members.

It is a sign of little confidence and commitment to Chile“, said García in relation to the sale of Banmédica and Vida Tres, while the UDP professor added that “It is a super powerful signal in terms of the projection and economic perspectives that the country is delivering abroad.“.

“They are putting Chile in the same category or group of behavior as all our neighboring countries, when historically we have been the benchmark of a developed, reliable country where people can come to invest,” argued Daniela Sugg.

Uncertainty in the industry and among members

For former Minister García, this situation shows that “The entire sector is in a very uncertain moment, not only the private model and the companies mentioned.but also the entire private sector and the public sector, which is under a lot of pressure in terms of financing.”

For her part, the UDP academic warned that although there are mechanisms around what happens with the portfolios of insurance companies, “It is not put in the case that there is no interest in acquiring that portfolio“.

Along these lines, Garcia stated that “It seems difficult that someone would want to buy an isapre which is in a position like any of the insurers, except Esencial, which They are all in very complex financial situations“.

“So, This also puts the clinics mentioned above at risk and puts others at risk.because they depend on the financial flows that the ISAPRES have,” added the former Secretary of State.

In this regard, Daniela Sugg indicated that “I am inclined to think that, unless there is a more comprehensive reform to the system, which provides greater certainty to the private market, I don’t think there is this massive interest in capturing this new portfolio of affiliates.” by another health insurance company.

“The regulations that exist today The scenario in which the portfolio could not be transferred was never put in place, it was always thought that there would be some other ISAPRE interested in acquiring it. So, there is a gap in the subject, because deep down A company is forced to maintain its operation, and that is not viable“, said the teacher.

What will happen to Banmédica and Vida Tres members in the event of the sale?

Regarding the situation of the members of both isapres after the announcement of the sale of Banmédica and Vida Tres, the UDP academic stated that “In the short term it does not affect themand when the recomposition is completed, if they are acquired by another isapre, they They will maintain their plans, as established by the regulations.“.

“The affiliate always has the freedom to choose to be in isapre or Fonasa, but The current situation does not mean a massive change towards Fonasa“, predicts Daniela Sugg.

A perspective that Pedro García does not agree with, for whom “it is most likely that all the ISAPRES in these adjustment plans will indicate that they will have significant increases. So, There will be a new migration of people to Fonasawhich means that people who cannot change because they have important pre-existing conditions are stuck in the ISAPRES. Thus, The income of the ISAPRES will be reduced, but the expenditure will remain the same or even higher“.

“There are new ISAPRES in development, but it is not clear when they would start operating (…) and There may be periods of time when many people may be severely affected.“, said the former minister.

Regarding whether the departure of UnitedHealth Group could be considered as the chronicle of a death foretold of the isapres, García said that “Yes and no, because the current Constitution establishes that people have the right to choose between private insurance or state and public insurance.that is, Fonasa.”

“There it is the need for legislators to speed up the reform process and guarantee private insurance with other payment modelsfor example,” the former minister concluded.

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