Unconditional support for the Palestinian resistance!

by time news

2023-10-16 13:46:30

The “Al Aqsa Flood” operation, launched by Hamas by air, land and sea, is an unprecedented operation of the Palestinian resistance. This offensive by all Palestinian forces demonstrates that Israel is not invincible and gives renewed hope to the millions of Palestinians living in the occupied territories and in refugee camps in neighboring countries.

LCT declaration – Belgian section of the LIT-CI

Israel has the support of its allies, starting with the United States and Europe, which have been complicit in the colonization of Palestinian territory since Israel’s founding in 1948.. The State of Israel was created as an imperialist military enclave in the Middle East, based on the theft of Palestinian territories and the violent expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their lands, who were condemned to exile. The lies of the Zionist movement to colonize Palestine, such as the slogan “A land without a people for a people without a land”, have had the support of American and Western imperialism, interested in having a strategic ally in this region, which is home to a large part of world oil and gas resources. Since then, Israel’s history has been one of the progressive elimination of the Palestinian people. This genocidal policy directed against an ethnic group means that Israel is not only a racist state, but also a Nazi one.

Belgium, one of Israel’s main partners, was quick to call this attack by the resistance against the colonial occupation “terrorist”, thus granting Israel, as Herman De Croo said, “the right to defend itself.”«. Thus, the Belgian government, following in the footsteps of Western nations, has chosen its side by refusing to denounce Israel’s past and present crimes and gives it carte blanche to continue with its genocidal policy.. We are witnessing a massive attack by the sixth military power in the world against the small territory of the Gaza Strip, which has already endured 16 years of blockade and 5 Israeli military offensives. Added to this is the total blockade of this territory, which represents a death sentence for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Gaza is a prison of more than 2 million people, spread over just 360 km², making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world! It is surrounded by walls and barbed wire from which no one can escape. Faced with the legitimate and heroic resistance of the Palestinian prisoners of Gaza, the jailer Israel wants to annihilate them by unleashing against them a murderous repression of unprecedented violence: use of F-35s, which bombard without respite, without prior warning and without distinction, houses , schools, hospitals, etc., use of white phosphorus bombs and heavy artillery. In less than a week, almost as many bombs have fallen on Gaza as in a year of the United States’ war against Afghanistan!

Zionist propaganda is currently rampant, trying to pass off the Israeli military and the occupation forces as ordinary civilians. But how can the Israeli army mobilize its population so quickly if it is not permanently militarized? In fact, the vast majority of Israeli citizens in Israel are soldiers. The existence of walls around Israel, underground shelters and an anti-missile shield attest that Israel is perfectly aware that it is occupying land that is not its own.. What is criminal is not the heroic acts of legitimate resistance of the colonized people, but the Zionist propaganda that calls on Jews from all over the world to come and colonize Palestine and use them to strengthen their Zionist State..

The chilling statement by the Israeli Defense Minister announcing the total blockade of Gaza, saying “We are fighting animals, let’s treat them like animals«recalls the statement of the Israeli Finance Minister on a visit to France in March, when he said: «There are no Palestinians because there are no Palestinian people«. This is how the mask of democracy falls off Israel! These statements clearly express the Zionist ideology, the racist and Nazi ideology that is behind the creation of the State of Israel, for which Palestinians do not exist!

It should also be noted that the governments of the Arab countries have once again demonstrated their abandonment of supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people.. In 6 hours, the Palestinian resistance has caused Israel more losses than the actions of the Arab States in 75 years. So if they really want to support the Palestinians, their words must translate into military support and breaking the recent Abraham Accords with the US and Israel.

Finally, here in Belgium, supporting the Palestinian people means above all demanding the immediate severing of relations with Israel and the closure of its embassy. In 2022, Belgium imported goods worth €1.4 billion from Israel and exported goods worth €2.7 billion, a figure that has been increasing in recent years. Belgium also collaborates scientifically and militarily with Israel and, through these relations, Belgium effectively supports the Israeli war machine. Our unions must urgently mobilize workers to reject all collaboration with Israel and support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Our unions must break with their policy of advocating respect for “international law”, which is an illusion given that this “international law” reflects the interests of the main imperialist nations and that it was the UN itself that decided on the division of Palestine. in 1948. We denounce that the FGTB leadership withdrew from the October 11 demonstration in Brussels because the Samidoun network of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners welcomed the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people. The FGTB thus clearly shows its capitulation to Zionism by equating Palestinian fighters with terrorists.

The LCT supports the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for their right to self-determination, just as we support the Ukrainian people in their struggle to recover all of their territory. For us, the only realistic solution to the permanent conflict situation in the region is the construction of a Single, Secular, Democratic and Non-Racist Palestine in the entire historical territory of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. In this Palestine without walls, without checkpoints, without armed settlements, the millions of Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their homes could return and live freely with Jews willing to live in peace and equality. But for this, the complete destruction of the Nazi-Zionist State of Israel is absolutely necessary, which due to its origin and essence is the main cause of this conflict.

Immediately end the massacre in Gaza!

Immediate severance of relations between Belgium and Israel!

Unconditional support for the Palestinian resistance!

For a unique, secular, democratic and non-racist Palestine, from the river to the sea!

#Unconditional #support #Palestinian #resistance

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