Uncovering the Planned Massacre: Hamas-ISIS Terrorists and the Strengthening of Terrorist Organizations in Gaza Strip

by time news

2023-11-07 02:49:55
New Artillery Reveals the Lengthy Planning of Hamas-ISIS Massacre in Gaza

In a shocking revelation, it has been confirmed that the massacre carried out by Hamas-ISIS terrorists in Gaza on October 7 was not a spur-of-the-moment attack, but rather a meticulously planned operation. It is now known that the terrorists had been working on this attack for over a year, using the time to strengthen their organization and build up their capabilities.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been conducting operations in the Gaza Strip for years, destroying tunnels and weapons sites. However, the vast amount of money flowing into Hamas allowed them to repeatedly rebuild and expand their capabilities, showing a clear progression in their strength as a terrorist organization.

The first firing from the Gaza Strip occurred in 2000, with mortar shells being launched towards the settlements of Gush Katif and surrounding areas. Over the years, Gaza became a hub for rocket production, and the city of Sderot was the first to bear the brunt of these attacks due to its proximity to the Strip. In 2005, Israel carried out the disengagement plan, evacuating the Gush Katif settlements. This evacuation led to a significant increase in weapons smuggling.

In March 2006, the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization fired a Grad 122 mm rocket from the Gaza Strip, landing in an open area near Ashkelon without causing any damage or casualties. Just a few months later in July 2006, Hamas fired its first rocket that hit inside the city of Ashkelon. From that point on, Israel found itself trapped in a cycle of operations in Gaza, with each one promising a longer period of peace but ultimately leading to shorter quiet periods.

The terrorist organizations in Gaza, particularly Hamas, have been established with one goal in mind – the destruction of Israel and the settlements in what they refer to as the “occupied territories.” These organizations have armed themselves with various means of warfare, some smuggled and some self-produced. They have sent operatives to countries like Iran, Lebanon, and Syria to acquire training and new technologies. Furthermore, they have invested heavily in building a vast network of tunnels known as the “Lower Gaza,” with a total length of approximately 310 miles (500 kilometers).

These tunnels have become the strategic weapon of the terrorist organizations in Gaza. The recent massacre in Gaza revealed that Hamas-ISIS had spent over a year planning this operation, heavily investing hundreds of millions of dollars in tunnel construction. It is estimated that Qatar alone transfers about $2.5 billion annually to Hamas in Gaza. These funds have been used to reinforce and expand their tunnel network.

The IDF has long recognized the significance of the tunnels and has made preparations to counter them. Special training has been conducted to equip forces with the skills needed to combat terrorists inside the tunnels. In the “Guardian of the Walls” operation in 2021, the IDF carried out a “Deception Exercise” known as the “Lightning Strike” program. The plan was to trick Hamas into believing that IDF forces were entering the tunnels, luring the terrorists in and then striking the tunnels with fighter jets. Although the operation initially seemed successful, it later transpired that it had not achieved its intended goals.

Over the years, the IDF has explored various strategies to deal with the Hamas tunnels, including the possibility of flooding them with seawater. Egypt, for instance, successfully destroyed Hamas tunnels that reached into its territory by flooding them. The current status of tunnels crossing between the Gaza Strip and Sinai is still unknown, and it remains a priority for Israel’s intelligence and security agencies to ensure that Hamas leaders do not attempt to escape through these tunnels.

In the aftermath of the recent massacre, it has become evident that the terrorists were employing brutal tactics to force citizens out of their homes. This included coercing captured individuals to knock on doors and request residents to evacuate, as well as setting houses on fire to trap escaping residents. It is now proposed to use burning tires to create thick black smoke, forcing the terrorists out of the tunnels or suffocating them if they choose to stay inside. However, the presence of abductees among the terrorists remains a significant concern.

The IDF’s efforts to eliminate terrorists hiding inside the tunnels have been ongoing for years. The destruction of these tunnels is seen as a critical objective that will ultimately lead to the dismantling of Hamas’s military capabilities. Nevertheless, this is a complex, time-consuming task that could take months, if not years, to fully accomplish. Even when a tunnel is discovered, it does not render it out of use, as demolition of the entrance alone is not sufficient.

The recent revelation about the meticulously planned massacre in Gaza underscores the need for continuous vigilance and strategic measures to counter the terrorist organizations operating in the region. The IDF’s ongoing efforts to detect and neutralize the tunnels are essential for maintaining peace and security in the area and preventing future acts of terrorism.
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