under pressure, the majors are gradually selling off their most polluting assets

by time news

Regularly selling oil assets that are not clean enough is a strategy recently adopted by the European majors.

Improving the environmental record of the majors does not always help the fight against climate change. Under pressure from civil society and shareholders, the majors are increasingly selling some of their most polluting assets. Often taken over by more discreet companies or funds that pay less attention to operating conditions, these sites risk seeing their greenhouse gas emissions, methane and CO2, fly away, observes the American NGO Environment Defense Front. In a report published in mid-May, it scrutinized transactions in the oil and gas sector between 2015 and 2021. “Sales of oil wells and gas fields could slow the energy transitionwarns the NGO, used to collaborating with large groups. These transfers of oil wells and fields pose a climate risk.” In 2018, takeovers of oil or gas fields by companies without environmental commitments accounted for 10% of transactions…

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