Under the auspices of the Labor Court: The partial shutdown of public transportation in Jerusalem was prevented

by time news

In a hearing held tonight, Tuesday, in the National Labor Court, it was decided that the shutdown that was supposed to take place tomorrow on many bus lines in Jerusalem will be canceled. It was also determined that the representatives of the committees will be updated in the manner of negotiations between the companies operating and the Ministry of Transportation regarding the terms of employment.

Posted on: 2/15/22 7:32 PM

Last update: 15.2.22 21:54

*** Update 21:50 **

Under the auspices of the National Labor Court, the partial shutdown of public transportation in Jerusalem was prevented

Following a hearing held tonight in the National Labor Court, it was decided that the Association of Public Transport Committees will receive regular updates from the companies operating public transport in talks between them and the Ministries of Transport and Finance on improving drivers’ employment conditions and maintaining their safety.

As you may recall, tomorrow, Wednesday, in the early hours of the morning, there was to be a huge strike by the public transport drivers unionized in the ‘Power for Workers’ organization. However, as stated, the shutdown was canceled under the auspices of a compromise he found between national law and labor.

The Union of Transport Committees in the “Power for Workers” stated that the National Labor Court ruled that in the next three weeks, until the operators ‘meeting with Transport Minister Meirav Michaeli and representatives of the Ministry of Finance on 28.2 – public transport companies will regularly update workers’ representatives. An update will be given to the court on the progress of the contacts. “

The union emphasizes that “if there is no significant progress, the tribunal will approve an 8-hour strike in all companies without the possibility of additional restraining orders. The parties act. The court has clarified that it will not allow the Ministry of Transportation or the companies to drag their feet. “


It will be recalled earlier that the expected shutdown was announced on many lines throughout Jerusalem operated by Superbus companies, Electra Afikim Transportation (formerly Egged Transportation) and Dan in the south. In Jerusalem, many lines were to be disabled in a wide urban layout, as well as the Jerusalem Envelope lines.

The Union of Transportation Workers ‘Councils explained that “the drivers are protesting the delay in negotiations between them and the companies regarding the increase in drivers’ wages, with on the one hand the companies conditioning the wage increase on receiving a budget from the Ministry of Transport, and on the other. Lazy and without any real progress. “

As reported in “Kol Ha’ir”, about three and a half months ago, the Union of Transportation Committees in “Koach LaOvedim” for the first time shut down the bus lines at the three companies – the first industry strike in public transport. The “Workers’ Force” organization claims that “by order of the Jerusalem Labor Court, it was determined that the companies must conduct substantive negotiations to improve the drivers’ employment conditions while updating the union of workers’ transportation committees by force, regarding contacts for budgeting from the Ministry of Transportation.”

Tom Promovich, head of transport at Workforce: “Nothing has progressed in three months. Transport companies are presenting a coordinated position, waiting for the state to put its hand in its pocket. The Ministry of Transport does not take responsibility, does not commit, and does not provide any clear statement. “This hurts us all: the public in Israel, which suffers from the high cost of living, today more than ever, demands public transportation that is available and worthy. But in practice, without real change, we will all continue to suffer from hungry and weak public transportation, so 80% of the public use private vehicles.”

Harun Shubash, chairman of the Superbus Drivers’ Committee: “We are telling Sarah and friends today that we have been waiting more than three months since the warning strike in October. What were you doing at that time? The companies and the Minister of Transportation seem to be operating in isolation from reality. The most significant barrier to transportation in Israel is a shortage of about 4,500 drivers, who have left the industry and are currently unwilling to return due to low wages and difficult conditions. It turns out that there is no escape from fire – every year about 15% of drivers leave the industry. What are you waiting for?”.

Raed Mash’al, chairman of the workers’ committee at Electra Afikim: “The Minister of Transport often talks about the importance of drivers, but unfortunately, ignores the real hardships of drivers: we may not be required to work 270 hours a month, at least 10 hours every day on the road. Lack of drivers and passenger violence, only to barely end the month. At this time the Minister is talking about recruitment and training. Who will enlist for work under these conditions and who will stay? If you want to retain existing drivers and make the profession attractive, you need to recognize the profession, know professional experience and pay an appropriate salary. “

Mazal Ofir, Chairman of the Workers’ Committee in Dan in the South: “We call on drivers in all companies to join us on the day of the strike. More nice talk from the office clerks there is nothing to change. It is time to stop being afraid and make it clear to companies and the Ministry of Transportation that we must not be underestimated. “

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