Undercover officers stopped two rioters on hot air, were exposed – and fired into the air

by time news
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Border police forces stormed two masked Arabs in East Jerusalem yesterday (Sunday) while throwing stones at police officers, but within seconds were forced to fire into the air – for fear of lynching.

In a video documenting the moments of drama, a number of Arab rioters are seen attacking the undercover officers, who took over the two suspects, throwing stones and objects at them from everything nearby.

In response, the undercover officers pulled out their personal weapons and fired into the air to keep the rioters away. Within a short time, additional forces arrived and repelled the rioters.

This morning, Commissioner Kobi Shabtai issued an organizational announcement to all Israeli police officers, most of whom worked throughout the country yesterday to secure Jerusalem Day events.

“Commanders, policemen and dear warriors, last night we were on one of the significant missions of the Israel Police recently,” the commissioner wrote, “Thanks to your professional and determined activity throughout the day, we have allowed tens of thousands of citizens to celebrate Jerusalem Day. They gave confidence to the celebrants and marchers in the flag parades all over the country and with an emphasis on the city of Jerusalem and the parade that took place in the Old City. You have once again shown the strength of the Israel Police and its capabilities in meeting national missions.

“In the spirit of what I said yesterday to the fighters and policemen on the ground, I want to tell you, be proud of the uniform you wear, the flag and the country. I appreciate and cherish your dedicated work and thank your families for their support and support in a time full of mission and action.”

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The police summed up the flag parade last night and said that “about 3,000 police officers worked to secure the events of Jerusalem Day and participants in the traditional flag parade, which has been held on Jerusalem Day for decades under the command of the Jerusalem District Commander. .

The riots throughout the capital in the evening reported that “police forces dealt with a number of riots, stone-throwing, fireworks and clashes that began in the East Jerusalem area. “.

It was also reported that “from the beginning of the police preparations in the morning until now, more than 60 suspects have been arrested and detained by the police in connection with the various incidents of rioting, stone-throwing, assaulting police officers and violent incidents throughout the Temple Mount, Old City and East Jerusalem.” “Throughout the day, the Jerusalem District Medical Department treated five policemen who were lightly injured in the disturbances, and some of them were evacuated for medical treatment at the hospital.”

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