Understanding Acute Myocarditis: Causes & Symptoms

by time news

2023-06-23 11:18:28

acute myocarditis What is the cause? What kind of symptoms are required to watch out?

heart diseaseIn fact, there are many types, many symptoms, and often they occur suddenly without warning. One of them is the conditionacute myocarditis (Acute Myocarditis) that if first aid or not treated in time may be fatal followed to study the causes and symptoms of this disease to observe the warning signshealthsomething from the body

What is myocardial infarction?

myocarditis English is Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease in the heart muscle Causing the pumping of blood to be sent to different parts of the body decreased and may result in irregular heartbeat A blood clot in the heart even heart failure, which can be life-threatening By this condition, if it occurs suddenly, it is called Acute myocarditis can be found in patients of all genders and ages.

myocarditis What is the cause?

Inflammation of the heart muscle can be caused by many reasons, for example:

viral infection These are the most common causes, such as adenovirus (cold flu), Coxsackie virus (hand-foot-and-mouth disease), parvovirus (rash virus), HIV virus. The causative agent of AIDS, the herpes virus that causes herpes Including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, other infections such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, receiving certain drugs such as drugs used to treat cancer, antibiotics, substance abuse Exposure to certain chemicals or toxins such as carbon monoxide, lead, certain types of radiation, snake venom, insect bites The consequences of illnesses related to immune system disorders, such as lupus.

In addition, myocardial infarction It may also be found in people who received the COVID-19 vaccine, with some cases of mRNA vaccination reported. And usually males under the age of 20, but even so, it is a rare side effect from the vaccine. Most patients have only mild symptoms. Almost all of them can disappear by themselves.

myocarditis What are the symptoms?

heart muscle It plays an important role in squeezing and relaxing. To pump blood to different parts of the body if the inflammation comes up. In the early stages may not show any symptoms at all. Some people come to their senses when they have severe symptoms. However, the common symptoms that can be observed are as follows:

Chest pain, chest tightness, weakness, weakness, tiredness, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath while at rest or during activity, palpitations, rapid heartbeat. Irregular heartbeat, swollen hands, swollen legs, swollen feet, inability to lie down if caused by infection There will be flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness.

myocarditis dangerous or not

Inflammation of the myocardium can result in problems with the functioning of the heart, such as an arrhythmia. Cardiac arrest or heart attack because of inability to pump sufficiently to different parts and may cause a blood clot in the heart to clot in the cerebral artery cause another stroke These complications are all life-threatening.

How is myocardial infarction treated?

Your doctor will need to determine the cause of your myocardial infarction. and treat according to the cause Most of them are symptomatic treatment, including


Most will be the administration of corticosteroids. (Corticosteroids) to reduce inflammation, heart medications to reduce the risk of developing blood clots in the heart and diuretics to help get rid of excess fluid in the body In the case of high blood pressure, blood pressure-lowering drugs will also be given.

However, if the symptoms are severe, long-term or life-long medication is required.

Surgery and other procedures

If the patient has severe symptoms Doctors need to use other equipment, such as intravenous medication, assisted ventilation (VAD), artificial heart balloon pump (IABP) or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. pulmonary (ECMO), etc., as well as surgery and heart transplantation in patients with severe myocardial infarction

Actions when suffering from myocardial infarction

Patients undergoing treatment must strictly follow the doctor’s prescription, for example:

take medicine on time Do not stop taking the medication yourself. Eat a diet that is low in sodium and avoid salty foods because foods that are very salty May result in fluid retention, pulmonary edema, leading to heart failure. Refrain from smoking, abstaining from alcohol. and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, energy drinks because it increases the risk of arrhythmia Refrain from strenuous exercise, strenuous sports, or activities that cause the heart to beat vigorously until symptoms improve. In most cases, the heart needs to be rested for 3-6 months and see a doctor regularly.

However, myocarditis can recur. And in some cases, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) can lead to heart muscle disease, in which the risk of recurrence is low, about 10-15%.

Can myocardial infarction go away on its own?

Myocarditis may resolve on its own, for example, in cases where it is a side effect from mRNA-type COVID-19 vaccination. In other cases, it depends on the symptoms and duration of illness. because in some people there may be mild symptoms or did not know that they were sick and did not receive treatment But if there are frequent symptoms, the heart muscle will be more damaged. This increases the risk of other complications, such as arrhythmias and heart failure, that are even more dangerous.

How to prevent myocarditis? What to do?

Because the cause of this disease is not yet clear. Therefore, what can be done is to prevent infection with various diseases, especially viruses. which is the main cause of such conditions such as

Wash your hands frequently to reduce the accumulation and spread of germs. wear a mask When in crowded places, don’t stay close to people with cold, COVID-19, or other respiratory illnesses until they’ve recovered. Get vaccinated annually against diseases such as the rubella vaccine. flu vaccine Including the COVID 19 vaccine, in fact, the chances of myocarditis caused by the COVID 19 vaccination are very small compared to the risk of myocardial infarction caused by COVID infection. Avoid using drugs Protect yourself from HIV infection, for example by wearing a condom when having sex. not sharing needles

Symptoms of myocarditis are quite similar to those of a heart attack, so if anyone experiences frequent chest pains, breathlessness, and shortness of breath, they should seek medical attention immediately. to diagnose the root cause And if there are acute symptoms, suddenly faint, dizzy, heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat Urgently ask for help.

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