Understanding Bipolar Disorder and the Impact of Childhood Trauma: A Personal Story of Heartbreak, Manic Episodes, and Depression

by time news

2023-07-30 13:30:27
Butterflies, a 39-year-old woman, recently opened up about her struggles with bipolar disorder and the impact it has had on her life. She revealed that her diagnosis came after a period of heartbreak and intense emotional turmoil in 2005 when her long-term boyfriend ended their relationship.

Butterflies described falling into a deep depression that she couldn’t escape, which eventually led her to seek professional help. During therapy, she began to uncover childhood traumas and realized that her mother had also struggled with periods of depression. Growing up in an emotionally unstable environment without a secure attachment figure had a profound impact on her mental health.

Her mother, who was never diagnosed with bipolar disorder until the last phase of her life, faced numerous hospital admissions and was prescribed ineffective medications. Tragically, after an earlier suicide attempt, she took her own life in 2006. Butterflies’ lack of faith in the healthcare system made her hesitant to seek treatment herself.

However, as her mental health worsened and manic episodes began to surface, she eventually decided to go to the hospital and receive a proper diagnosis. Butterflies shared that bipolar disorder can present itself in one’s twenties, which was consistent with her own experiences. She described the extremes of her condition, swinging between periods of debilitating depression and hyperactive mania.

During depressive episodes, Butterflies felt overwhelmed and lacked energy and interest in almost everything. She admitted to often thinking that life wasn’t worth living. On the other hand, during manic periods, she experienced excessive energy, intense productivity, and impulsive decision-making. Unfortunately, this resulted in her being taken advantage of at times and struggling to maintain relationships.

Butterflies shared examples of her manic episodes, such as impulsively starting her own coaching practice and spending her savings. However, when the depressive period followed, she abandoned her business idea and found it challenging to cope with daily life.

She now takes medication tailored to her condition, which has helped alleviate some of the extreme highs and lows. However, the side effects and the heaviness of the medication make it difficult for her to function. Butterflies stated that employment is impossible for her due to the pressure and emotional instability. She has been living on benefits since 2013, which she finds disheartening as she wants to contribute to society.

Despite her struggles, Butterflies has found solace in daily walks and embracing creativity. She attends hypnotherapy sessions weekly, which have aided in accepting her illness and exploring her relationship with her mother.

Butterflies’s story sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals with bipolar disorder and the desperate need for improved mental healthcare. She hopes that sharing her experiences will bring understanding to those who read her story and raise awareness about the impact of mental illness on individuals and society as a whole.]
#bipolar #disorder

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