Understanding Diabetes: Facts, Prevention, and Herbal Teas to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

by time news

According to the International Diabetes Federation, 1 in 10 people in the world lives with this disease, totaling 537 million, a figure projected to “increase to 784 million people by 2045.”

“Diabetes is a disease characterized by having elevated levels of glucose in the blood,” stated Dr. Miguel Omeara, an endocrinologist at Compensar EPS. He also clarified that this disease can be prevented with regular exercise, healthy diet, and maintaining body weight.

These are determining factors because, on average, 8 out of 10 people who suffer from overweight also have diabetes, and over the years may develop heart diseases, strokes, or kidney diseases due to high blood glucose levels.

According to an article from the medium ‘El Español’, there are treatments and various foods that keep blood sugar levels stable, providing a better quality of life for those who suffer from it, among which are infusions.

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Salvia Tea

This infusion is fundamental not only to help prevent diabetes but also helps control cholesterol levels and has anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the likelihood of future diseases.

Green Tea

According to the article, it is one of the best beverages people can consume to prevent or control diabetes. This plant is rich in an anti-diabetic substance that lowers blood sugar.

Additionally, green tea offers multiple benefits, as it helps prevent several types of cancer, aids in weight loss, counteracts cellular aging, and is good for heart health.

Understanding Diabetes: Facts, Prevention, and Herbal Teas to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Photo: Freepik

Black Tea

This is another infusion that helps control diabetes. This beverage allows for the reduction of blood glucose and is preferably consumed after meals to improve insulin response.

Similarly, it is ideal for reducing the risk of heart diseases, protecting the immune system, and countering cavities and other oral diseases.

Moringa Tea

This plant became well-known during the pandemic. According to the article, it is rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids, which contribute not only to controlling diabetes but are also essential for preventing it.

Moringa tea is also very beneficial for improving the digestive system, contributes to respiratory health, and aids in weight loss.

Chamomile Tea

This beverage provides benefits to the body such as helping to control blood glucose and has properties that positively affect good digestion.

Consuming this plant can reduce and calm anxiety and stress, while also strengthening the immune system and helping with menstrual symptoms.

These beverages can be a good complement to your dietary routine, but if you experience symptoms of diabetes, you should consult a medical specialist to receive timely treatment and avoid complications.

Chamomile for cartilage. Source: Freepik

Chamomile for cartilage. Source: Freepik

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The Growing Diabetes Epidemic: Future Trends and Insights

As reported by the International Diabetes Federation, currently, 1 in 10 people worldwide live with diabetes, with an astonishing 537 million diagnosed cases. Predictions indicate this number could rise to 784 million by 2045, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness and management.

Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, a condition that can largely be prevented through lifestyle choices. Dr. Miguel Omeara, an endocrinologist at Compensar EPS, emphasizes the importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight to mitigate the risks associated with diabetes.

Disturbingly, 8 out of 10 individuals with excess weight are at risk of developing diabetes, a precursor to more serious complications, including heart disease and stroke. Hence, integrating healthy habits into daily life can significantly shape the trajectory of diabetes prevalence.

Natural remedies such as infusions have surfaced as beneficial aids in managing blood sugar levels. Recent articles have identified several herbal teas that may support glucose regulation:

  • Sage Tea: Known for its cholesterol-lowering and anti-inflammatory properties, sage tea can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Green Tea: This powerhouse drink contains an antidiabetogenic component that aids in lowering blood sugar and offers additional health benefits, including cancer prevention.
  • Black Tea: Aiding in improving insulin response, black tea can be beneficial when consumed after meals.
  • Moringa Tea: Gaining popularity during the pandemic, moringa is rich in compounds that not only help control diabetes but also promote overall health.
  • Chamomile Tea: Known for supporting digestion and calming anxiety, chamomile also contributes to better regulation of blood glucose levels.

As more individuals turn toward holistic approaches to health, the demand for natural remedies will likely increase. Future trends may encompass a rise in health-focused products, including specialized teas and dietary supplements tailored for diabetic management and prevention. Additionally, with technology propelling health tracking and personalized diets, advancements in diabetes care will continue to evolve.

While integrating these natural remedies can enhance one’s health journey, it’s essential to consult healthcare professionals if symptoms of diabetes arise, ensuring proper management and support.

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