“Understanding Endometriosis: The Importance of Recognizing Lower Abdominal Pain as a Symptom”

by time news

2023-05-23 11:45:00

Key Point :

  • lower abdominal pain Many people may see it as normal. But the truth is something that should not be overlooked. because it may be a symptom of ‘Endometriosis’
  • Risk groups with a high chance of endometriosis Often associated with menstruation, infertility, and drinking a lot of alcohol and coffee There is a higher risk of the disease as well.
  • Currently, there is no definite effective way to prevent this disease, so if you have symptoms, especially menstrual cramps or pain in the lower abdomen should consult a doctor

Many women have pain in the lower abdomen. may be seen as nothing Take the medicine and it’s gone. especially during menstruation I might think that abdominal pain is normal. But the truth is something that should not be overlooked. because it may be a symptom of ‘Endometriosis’ The risk group often has a relationship with menstruation, such as starting menstruation for the first time before friends. Entering menopause later than usual Menstruation is profuse and lasts several days, etc.

due in May MAY is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month This year marks the second year that MAY is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month. Chulabhorn Royal College Has issued a warning to Thai women to recognize the importance of symptoms. lower abdominal painAnd don’t let it pass through the campaign, lower abdominal pain, say it, say it, warning signs that women need to be careful of.endometrial hyperplasia’

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What is endometriosis?

assistant professor Dr. Nuttawut Kantathavorn, a specialist in gynecologic oncology Head of the Center for Women’s Health Chulabhorn Hospital spoke at the seminar Let’s join the campaign to raise awareness of lower abdominal pain. Warning signs that women must be careful via Facebook Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College that endometriosis is a condition where endometrial cells grow outside the uterine cavity which may be inserted in the wall or muscle of the uterus Peritoneum, ovaries, intestinal wall, and bladder wall Or sometimes it may spread to distant organs such as the lungs.

“When these membranes grow in the wrong place, It causes dark red or black blood that is thick like chocolate trapped in the organs. which is the main cause of various abnormal symptoms, especially abdominal pain that is common in patients with this disease The most common locations found in the pelvic area are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the anterior, posterior and lateral peritoneum of the uterus and nearby organs such as the bladder. and large intestine”

It can also be found in the ureter, small intestine, lungs, brain and skin. Or surgical wounds found in about 1 in 10 women of childbearing age and may be as high as 5 in 10 of women of childbearing age with menstrual pain. Endometriosis is one of the causes of menstrual pain which makes us suffer from pain. resulting in deteriorating quality of life Sometimes it affects work and society.

“Women’s menstrual cramps are normal. If the person has no pain at all, it is considered lucky. But abnormal menstrual pain that gets more and more, pain lasts longer, or pain before menstruation It means that there might be some disease that causes more pain.”

Which groups are at risk of endometrial hyperplasia?

For risk groups that have a high chance of endometriosis Often associated with menstruation, such as

  • Women who started their first menstruation before their peers
  • Women who enter menopause (menopause) later than normal
  • Women who have heavy menstrual periods and last many days
  • Women whose menstrual cycles are frequent or the distance between each menstrual cycle is short.
  • women with mothers A sister or sister has this disease.
  • A woman who has her first child at an early age It will have a higher risk of this disease.

It also found that drinking a lot of alcohol and coffee. will have a higher risk of endometrial hyperplasia as well as endometrial hyperplasia There are both asymptomatic and asymptomatic types. The symptoms that are suspected to be abdominal pain in various forms are:

  • menstrual pain which is the most common symptom that comes to see a doctor The pain is usually brought before 2-3 days before the menstrual period. During the menstrual period, the pain will increase and become more intense in the following months.
  • Abdominal pain during sex The nature of the pain is a deep pain in the vagina during intercourse.
  • Chronic lower abdominal pain for more than 6 months

In addition, risk groups also cover infertile women. feel a lump in the lower abdomen abnormal bleeding from the vagina Minority may have other symptoms. Associated with the location of the disease, such as women with the disease in the bladder. There may be pain when urinating. Increased urination or blood in your urine during your period In women with disease in the large extremity, it may be difficult to pass. Pain when defecation or passing blood especially during the period Some people cough up blood during their periods. due to endometrial growth in the lungs, etc.

advised to consult a doctor

In this regard, Assistant Professor Dr. Nuttawut recommends that you should come and consult with a gynecologist in order to receive an early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Abdominal pain should not be kept quiet by yourself. because of abdominal pain in women It may not be as normal as we think. But it may be an important factor in warning signs of endometriosis. which is a disease that many women tend to overlook and lower abdominal pain It may be an important factor that will send a warning signal to be careful from the danger that may manifest itself in the form of other types of diseases as well.

“Many women tend to overlook especially during menstruation I might think that abdominal pain is normal. which may actually be a signal of some kind Therefore, lower abdominal pain should be a symptom that should not be let go anymore. In this campaign, we would like to be an important voice to be a campaigner for all women to be aware and pay attention to this type of disease. and other diseases that may occur more “

5 warning signs

1. Chronic lower abdominal pain for more than 6 months

2. Abdominal pain 2-3 days before menstruation and more severe symptoms in the next cycle

3. Pain in the pelvic floor lower abdominal pain during intercourse

4. Feeling of a lump in the lower abdomen

5. have infertility

“lower abdominal pain Menstrual cramps are sometimes ignored. But the truth is that endometriosis Diagnosis is delayed sometimes 7-10 years because there is no internal examination. But women with severe menstrual cramps in their 20s or 21 years old may have already started, so try to raise awareness and understand that this disease really exists.”

Endometriosis with infertility

endometriosis can cause hypothyroidism problemsinfertility This is because the disease often causes pelvic fibrosis. In some cases, it is so much that it causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes on both sides, making it impossible to have children naturally. May need to be treated by surgery. Or must use technology to assist in reproduction, such as in vitro fertilization

Dr. Kanyuta Nakplad, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive medicine Women’s Health Center Chulabhorn Hospital said that for the definition of the word infertility, it is a couple who has sex regularly in a period of 1 year by women younger than 35 years old and in women older than 35 years old who have sex. Having a relationship consistently for a period of 6 months is considered infertile. Such groups were found to be associated with more than 50% of endometriosis because it can cause abnormalities in the structure of the reproductive organs. compared to people without the disease The fallopian tubes are clogged and the quality of the ovaries is reduced. Therefore, this group of people should consult a doctor to plan a pregnancy. And even more if there is infertility and menstrual cramps as well. Should hurry to see a doctor soon.

treatment guidelines

However, endometriosis is a disease that cannot be cured by the nature of the disease. But it will get better when entering menopause because menopause does not have female hormones (estrogen) to stimulate the disease again. As for the purpose of current treatment Is to relieve the symptoms of this disease. The main focus is on symptomatic treatment. Treatment can be divided into 3 major methods:

1. Treatment with progesterone hormone drugs For those who do not want to have children

2. Surgical treatment In groups with indications such as chocolate cysts, which are ovarian cysts that come from endometrial hyperplasia, if more than 4-5 centimeters, surgery is recommended, or in infertile groups, surgical interventions are required.

3. Combination therapy between medication and surgery

“At present, there is no definite effective way to prevent this disease. Therefore, if there are suspected symptoms of this disease especially menstrual pain or pain in the lower abdomen Should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to receive early diagnosis and treatment for future care planning.”

menstrual pain Can I take painkillers?

However, menstrual cramps can be taken with painkillers. because of the past Many women are unable to take medication because they are afraid that taking too many pills will affect their bodies. ‘Doctor Katanyuta’ Explains that if menstrual cramps can be taken, painkillers can be taken. Because if you don’t eat your brain, you will learn that pain. and more and more pain, despite the fact that our lesions are the same But taking painkillers decreases the brain’s perception. The pain will be less as well.

“however Painkillers in some drugs if taken for a long time May affect the kidneys, so in people with a lot of disease. Have to take medicine every day or the main pain interferes with the quality of life, has to stop working, stop studying, may use other groups of drugs that are not painkillers. depending on the cause and causes of menstrual pain in women of reproductive age. Most of them are caused by endometriosis, so the drug that will treat it directly is not a painkiller. But progesterone hormone drugs which is a drug that solves the point no effect on the liver and kidneys Able to take medicine continuously In cases where there is an indication for the use of the drug should be switched to the correct medication But if the pain is mild, painkillers can be taken.”

For women with chronic pelvic pain It is advisable to consult with a gynecologist and undergo a diagnosis in order to plan the correct treatment. Appointments can be made to consult with a doctor at the Women’s Health Center. Chulabhorn Hospital, 9th Floor, Chulabhorn Cancer Medical Center Building via

  • LINE Official @chulabhornhospital
  • Select the Treatment Center menu.
  • Select Women’s Health

Which is open every Monday – Friday from 08.00 – 20.00 and Saturday – Sunday from 08.00 – 16.00, including being able to follow news, articles, health activities from Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College via the website www.chulabhornchannel.com

#Abdominal #pain #dont #pass #Check #warning #signs #endometriosis

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