Understanding Hearing Loss: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment Methods by Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawinyarat Chitrarun

by time news

2023-12-13 05:57:30
Hearing Loss: A Growing Concern Among All Ages

In today’s world, it seems that everyone is constantly wearing headphones. Whether it’s for several hours a day or turned up to the point where others can hear the music, the prevalence of headphone use is raising concerns about the potential for hearing loss. Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawinyarat Chitrarun, an expert in Otolaryngology, Otolaryngology and Allergy, Ear, Nose and Throat, is shedding light on the symptoms, prevention, and treatment methods for hearing loss.

While hearing loss has long been associated with old age, it is now becoming increasingly common among younger individuals. According to Dr. Chitrarun, loud noises can trigger “hearing degeneration,” leading to a condition of hearing loss due to the deterioration of auditory nerve cells. This can be caused by various factors, including increasing age, frequent exposure to loud noises, inflammation or infection, and other risk factors such as genetics, diabetes, or neurological diseases.

Dr. Chitrarun emphasizes the impact of headphone use on hearing, particularly in-ear headphones. She explains that turning up the volume to excessive levels can apply pressure to the ears and make auditory nerve cells work harder, resulting in premature hearing loss.

The symptoms of hearing loss can manifest in several ways, including the need for excessively loud volumes on electronic devices, difficulty hearing conversations, or experiencing noises such as ringing or buzzing in the ears. Dr. Chitrarun advises individuals experiencing these symptoms to seek medical attention promptly.

In addition to gradual hearing loss, there is also a condition known as “acute deafness” that can occur suddenly and at any age. This can be caused by infections, nerve injuries, accidents, tumors, or other diseases affecting the nervous system. Dr. Chitrarun stresses the importance of seeking treatment promptly, as early intervention can increase the chances of recovery.

While hearing loss can be challenging to recover from, there are preventative measures individuals can take to protect their hearing, such as avoiding loud environments and managing the symptoms of any underlying health conditions. For those with severe hearing loss, modern hearing aids can offer a solution, as they are now available in compact sizes and can be customized to individual hearing needs.

Dr. Chitrarun urges the public to be mindful of the impact of loud noises on their hearing and to take proactive steps to protect their ears. With the prevalence of headphone use and increasing exposure to loud environments, it is essential to prioritize ear health to prevent premature hearing loss.

In conclusion, Dr. Chitrarun emphasizes the importance of protecting our ears and being mindful of unnecessary exposure to loud noises to maintain clear hearing throughout our lives. By taking these precautions, individuals can reduce the risk of hearing loss and maintain healthy hearing as they age.]
#Prevent #hearing #loss #Danger #loud #noises #avoided

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