Understanding Heart Complaints in Women: Importance of Awareness and Prevention

by time news

2023-09-22 17:37:57
Heart complaints in women are often misunderstood and this has serious consequences for their health. Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek sheds light on this important theme and emphasizes the importance of awareness and prevention during the Laren Vitality Week, with her performance Het Vrouwenhart Café.

The stereotypical image of a heart attack as an intense chest pain has led to a lack of attention to women’s symptoms. These symptoms are mainly reserved for men.

Janneke Wittekoek explains that women often experience more subtle symptoms, such as fatigue, nausea, back pain, or indigestion (stomach complaints, bloating, ed.). These are complaints that are not immediately recognized as a heart attack. This can lead to delayed diagnosis and therefore treatment.

Biological and hormonal differences play a role in the differences in heart health between men and women. Women, unlike men, more often have problems in the smaller coronary arteries. Hormonal changes, especially after menopause, increase the risk of heart disease in women.

“Ladies know your numbers, make sure you know what your risk factors are,” says Janneke Wittekoek, cardiologist.

Wittekoek emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet, exercise, and quitting smoking. She advocates early screening and diagnostic tests, so that these can be improved preferably with lifestyle. Excessive weight, blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure increase the risk of heart problems.

“Early detection can save lives,” says Wittekoek. She encourages women to take their heart health seriously. A heart attack can feel different in women than in men, but it can be just as deadly. Wittekoek advocates personal prevention.

According to the cardiologist, the woman’s heart deserves more attention. Wittekoek works to increase awareness of this subject and discusses it extensively in her performance.

This performance is not only intended for women, the male heart is also discussed. The performance Het Vrouwenhart Café takes place on Saturday September 23 in the Singer Theater Laren.]
#Heart #complaints #women #discovered #late #Early #detection #save #lives

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