Understanding Liver Cancer and the Treatment of TACE (Transarterial Oily Chemoembolization)

by time news

2023-08-13 12:03:00
Liver Cancer: Treatment Options and Causes

Thailand has seen a surge in liver cancer cases, making it the most common form of cancer in the country. Sadly, many patients only seek medical attention when the symptoms become severe or in the late stages of the disease. By this time, the tumor has often grown too large to be surgically removed. Nonetheless, there are several treatment methods available, including a targeted therapy called Transarterial Oily Chemoembolization (TACE).

The exact cause of liver cancer remains unknown. However, there are certain conditions that are frequently associated with the disease. Hepatitis B and/or C infections, if left untreated, can develop into long-term hepatitis and eventually progress into liver cancer. Additionally, individuals with cirrhosis have a significantly higher risk of developing liver cancer, with a staggering 270 times greater chance than the general population. Chronic alcohol use, especially consuming more than 80 grams per day for five years, increases the risk of liver cancer by 8-12 times. Liver flukes, a parasite found in freshwater fish or undercooked food, and the consumption of certain foods high in aflatoxin (such as peanuts, corn, chili, onion, garlic, soybean paste) and nitrosamines (found in fermented fish, Chinese sausage, sausage, salted meat, salted fish, dried shrimp) also contribute to the development of liver cancer. Lastly, obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, poses a higher risk due to the potential for fatty liver disease.

Though surgical removal of the tumor is considered the best treatment option, it is not always feasible for certain patients, such as the elderly or those with cirrhosis or multiple tumors. Therefore, another popular method of treatment is Transarterial Oily Chemoembolization (TACE). TACE involves administering specific chemotherapy drugs directly into the arteries feeding the cancerous tumor. By blocking these blood vessels using gelatin foam, the chemotherapy cuts off the blood supply to the tumor, causing it to shrink and die. Compared to intravenous chemotherapy, TACE uses a smaller dosage, thereby reducing the side effects on other parts of the body.

However, in some cases, cancer cells may remain and stimulate nearby normal tissues to form new blood vessels, thus feeding the tumor. To counter this, TACE may need to be repeated every 4-6 weeks for large tumors or multiple sites to prevent the growth of any remaining cancer cells. The procedure involves inserting a catheter into the groin and running a small tube directly into the artery that feeds the tumor.

Overall, liver cancer is a significant health concern in Thailand, and early detection and treatment are crucial for improving patient outcomes. While TACE offers a viable option for many individuals, prevention through vaccines for hepatitis B, proper alcohol consumption, and a healthy lifestyle remain essential in reducing the incidence of liver cancer.]
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