Understanding Magnesium: Benefits, Sources, and Supplements

by time news

2023-06-19 11:48:08

If you eat a little mindfully, you’ll get more than enough magnesium to reap the benefits. This way you don’t have to switch to supplements and you balance your body with the help of a healthy diet. But of course the big question remains: what is magnesium in?

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that your body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is even involved in more than 600 (!) different functions in your body, such as the proper functioning of your heart, brain, bones and muscles. In addition, it aids in the transmission of nerve impulses to your brain.

Because you cannot produce magnesium yourself, it is an essential mineral and you must therefore get it yourself from food. If necessary, you can take magnesium supplements to maintain the level.

What is magnesium good for?

You need magnesium for:

the strengthening of your muscles the support of your bones the proper formation of your bones and muscles the transmission of stimuli in your muscles and nerves the prevention of fatigue the proper functioning of enzymes (substances that are necessary to enable processes in the body) the energy production of the body cells

How much magnesium do you need?

According to the Nutrition Center, the recommended daily amount (RDA) of magnesium is 300 milligrams for an adult woman. You can get this amount from normal food (more on that later!).

Since magnesium is in many foods, a magnesium deficiency is not very common. But if you have problems with your kidneys or intestines, you have to be careful. A shortage is lurking. You can recognize a magnesium deficiency by various symptoms.

Since magnesium is also called the biggest powerhouse of the supplement world, many people take supplements with extra magnesium. This can be useful and effective, but be careful. With more than 250 milligrams of magnesium extra(!) per day (so in addition to the magnesium in your food), intestinal complaints such as diarrhea can occur. But those are not the only consequences of a magnesium surplus.

Which foods are rich in magnesium?

A balanced diet in which fresh (and preferably organic) vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and legumes play the leading role is therefore crucial in getting enough magnesium. To make it even easier for you, we have made a top 10 magnesium-rich foods for you with three categories: vegetables (and fruit), nuts (and seeds) and other products.

Which vegetables (and fruits) contain a lot of magnesium?

Avocado – a medium avocado contains 58 mg of magnesium, which is 14% of the recommended daily allowance. In addition, this fruit is full of potassium, vitamins, fiber and healthy fats. They can help reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol levels.

Legumes – these are also part of the list of magnesium-rich foods. For example, by adding black beans, soybeans or lentils to a dish, you prevent a magnesium deficiency.

bananas – this is the most popular type of fruit in the world and for good reason. In addition to being incredibly sweet, the banana is also associated with various health benefits. For example, eating a banana lowers blood pressure, so the fruit ensures a reduced risk of heart disease.

Leafy vegetables – kale, spinach, turnip greens and mustard vegetables: all healthy leafy vegetables to dress up a healthy dish. They are a very good source of many nutrients, including magnesium.

Dried figs – These are real magnesium bombs. They contain 75 milligrams of magnesium per 100 grams. Combine them with a few nuts for best results.

Which nuts contain a lot of magnesium

Nuts are nutritious and delicious. They actually all contain magnesium, but there are three types of nuts that contain particularly high amounts of magnesium, namely:

Cashew nuts
Brazil nuts

Don’t forget seeds and pips, because they are also real powerhouses. Pumpkin seeds are in particular a very good source of magnesium. With 168 mg per portion (28 grams) you already have 40% of the RDI. Plus, they’re packed with fiber and rich in iron, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Other products that contain a lot of magnesium

Dark chocolate – make sure you choose a dark chocolate with a lot of cocoa and little sugar.

Tofu – in addition to a high protein content, tofu also contains a lot of magnesium. One portion therefore provides protein, calcium, iron, manganese and selenium. A very good substitute for meat!

Whole grains – Wheat, oats and barley are excellent sources of many nutrients, including magnesium.

Know how – by eating a portion (100 grams) of salmon every week, you ensure that you get 7% of the recommended daily amount. It’s still not enough, but it’s a good start.

magnesium supplements

Do you recognize yourself (despite this long list of products) in the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency? Then you can switch to magnesium supplements. From the effect and side effects to the right dosage, read this before adding pills with magnesium to your diet.

Source: Healthline, The Nutrition Center

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