Understanding Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms, Phases, and Treatment Options

by time news

2023-11-08 10:20:02
Government Official Hospitalized After Playing TikTok and Reel Triggers Latent Psychosis

A female government official in her 40s was recently hospitalized after playing TikTok and Reel, which led to the stimulation of latent psychosis. The woman began experiencing hallucinations and hearing delusions, and her symptoms were identified as one of the five main symptoms of schizophrenia.

Dr. Ankwara Wongudommongkol, a psychiatrist at Paolo Phaholyothin Hospital, explained that schizophrenia is a psychiatric disease that causes abnormal thoughts and perceptions in patients. This can include falsely believing that someone is going to harm them, as well as abnormal touch, ringing in the ears, and hallucinations, leading to the patient’s behavior and speech appearing strange to others. While schizophrenia can be found at any age, it usually occurs in adolescence and early adulthood.

The causes of schizophrenia can be divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors, which are the main cause, are disturbances in neurotransmitters that may come from the patient’s own body, genetics, or chemicals received such as narcotics or other medicines. External factors may be caused by stress from disease, upbringing, family, work, or other stress-inducing factors.

The symptoms of schizophrenia include delusions, abnormal perception, abnormal speech, strange behavior, and negative symptoms like a lack of emotion or inspiration in the patient’s surroundings.

Schizophrenia can also be divided into three phases: the initial stage, the relapse period, and the remaining period. During the initial stage, patients may exhibit negative symptoms and become isolated. In the relapse period, positive symptoms like delusions and paranoia may emerge. During the remaining period, symptoms may still persist, but many patients can be completely cured after treatment.

Treatment for schizophrenia can be done through medication, adjusting the patient’s mental behavior, and understanding from people around them. Medications are given to adjust neurotransmitters and chemicals in the brain, and if this is not effective, electric shock treatment may be necessary. Additionally, it is important for the patient to receive understanding and support from their family and community.

While schizophrenia is a disease that many people may still have negative thoughts about, it is important for society to try to understand and support those affected by the condition. By providing understanding and support, patients can live together with others in society and lead fulfilling lives.]
#schizophrenia #Schizophrenia #hallucinations #hearing #loss #hallucinations

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