Understanding the Widespread Illnesses and Potential Flu Wave in January: Insights from Freiburg Virologist Hartmut Hengel on the Current COVID-19 Situation

by time news

2023-12-21 18:15:19
Illnesses due to Corona are once again on the rise, and experts are warning of a potential flu wave in January. According to virologist Hartmut Hengel from Freiburg, little is still known about the virus.

In an interview with BZ, Hengel stated, “Everyone knows someone who is Corona-positive, even if they are not lying in bed with it themselves. It’s in the air.” This widespread exposure to the virus is leading to an increase in illnesses.

Hengel also explained that while the situation with Corona is concerning, the potential for a flu wave in January is also something to keep in mind. He urged people to get vaccinated against the flu to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Despite the ongoing battle with Corona, there are still many unknowns about the virus. Hengel emphasized the need for continued research and vigilance in order to better understand and combat the virus.

As cases of Corona continue to rise, it is important for individuals to take precautions and follow guidelines to protect themselves and others. With the potential for a flu wave in the coming months, it is more important than ever to remain vigilant and prioritize health and safety.]
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