Unemployed – Fewer than ever since 1990

by time news

2023-07-02 09:22:24


Written by Rainer Ackermann

The number of registered unemployed has fallen to a new historic low.

At the end of June, hardly more than 224,000 unemployed were registered at the employment offices. That’s another 4,000 fewer than at the end of May and almost 20,000 fewer than at the beginning of the year. At the same time, it is the lowest level in post-reunification Hungary, the Ministry of Economic Affairs emphasized in a press release.

When the second Orbán government took office in 2010, more than 650,000 Hungarians were still on the registers of the employment offices looking for a job. At the same time, over the past 13 years, the number of employees has increased by almost a million to 4.7 million. (Of course, these statistics also include certain Hungarians who are temporarily trying their luck abroad, or the underpaid ABM workers, of whom fortunately there are currently only 70,000.)

In December, as a reaction to the crisis, the economics department launched support programs to enable companies to retain workers or hire new ones. Applications for nearly HUF 21 billion have been approved so far, with 17,500 jobs being secured or created as a result. In August, a second program with a financing framework of 6 billion forints, specifically aimed at business founders, will start.

The MTI graph shows the development of the number of unemployed since 2020 (in thousands of people).

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