Unemployment insurance, Labor, Security … The busy program of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday

by time news
The return to school promises to be busy for the President of the Republic. Le Figaro

While he had warned the French against the “end of abundance” when the government returned two weeks ago, Emmanuel Macron will chair a Council of Ministers on Wednesday morning where bills will pile up.

After the incantations, place for action. If the government had already made its comeback during the Council of Ministers of August 24 – in which Emmanuel Macron prepared the French for the “end of abundance” in the face of the energy crisis – the executive is tackling on Wednesday the files which will mark this high-risk return to school. If the first text on purchasing power punctuated the start of the second five-year term of the Head of State, other bills will be detailed on Wednesday morning by the ministers concerned around the President of the Republic at the Élysée. Three texts will be presented. The first will relate to Unemployment insurance, the second to Labour, and the third relating to Security – a draft orientation and programming law wanted by Place Beauvau.

Unemployment insurance reform

Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt will present a bill on Wednesday that aims to extend the current unemployment insurance rules until the end of 2023. The provisions in force, resulting from the controversial 2019 reform, took end on October 31. First text that will arrive in parliament when legislative work resumes, the reform must continue the application of measures hampered by the health crisis and the various legal remedies until the fall of 2021. Among these, a modification of the method of calculation compensation for the unemployed, a duration of affiliation necessary to open or top up an allowance or even the degressiveness of the allowances for the highest salaries. More precisely, it will be necessary to have worked six months and not four to benefit from an allowance.

This text also paves the way for another reform desired by the executive to better modulate the rules and criteria for unemployment compensation according to the economic situation. “When things are going well, we tighten the rules and when things are going badly, we relax them.“, explained Olivier Dussopt at the end of July in an interview with Parisian. The social partners must meet soon to find an agreement by the end of the year.

A “Labour” bill

Emmanuel Macron has one goal: for France to be at full employment at the end of his five-year term. To do this, the government drew up a “Labour” bill on Wednesday morning to respond to recruitment difficulties. This includes a reform of the validation of acquired experience to have a professional career recognized. To help 13 million volunteers, Marlène Schiappa announces in The Parisian want to “achieve, by the end of the year, the creation of a unique and service-based platform that allows each volunteer to be able to undertake, in just a few clicks, a process to have years of associative investment validated by a diploma “. Consultations must also be undertaken with the representatives of the three main sectors of voluntary work – sport, culture and social affairs – to bring this project to light before the end of the year.

The “Security” bill

For the first time, Beauvau will have a Security programming law. As is the case for the Ministry of the Armed Forces. The orientation and programming bill (LOPMI) will therefore be presented on Wednesday. This text of 15 articles provides the Ministry of the Interior with an additional 15 billion euros throughout the five-year term. Half of this sum must be redistributed to the digital transition of the administration.

The bill must also allocate eleven new mobile force units for the CRS, police and gendarmes. And 200 new gendarmerie brigades to double the presence of law enforcement by 2030, as Emmanuel Macron wanted during the campaign. Tuesday afternoon, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne announced “8,500 police and gendarme postsover the next five years, including 3,000 which will be deployed next year. Recruitments that will be included in the LOPMI. Way to reduce a little what is perceived as the main Achilles heel of Emmanuel Macron: sovereign issues.

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