Unforgivable: Maccabi Haifa is not allowed to release Bogdan Planic

by time news

Well, there is no justice in the world. there’s nothing to do. That’s it, I’ve been living in the world long enough to figure it out. Evidence of the gray poodle resting on my head. But even in a world where justice does not always win, even in cold and cruel days like ours today, there is probably some limit to the amount of injustice a person can absorb, all the more so when it comes to an acute issue for his fate like a football game.

In the 92nd minute, Bat Kol came out of the sky, a ray of light amid the shocking darkness of misses, cut the hot, airless oil bath called “Sami Ofer in July-August” and placed on Divol’s head a divine inspiration for one of the most exciting foxes I have ever seen as a football fan. Because there is no, no, no movie where we somehow deserved to lose this game. A group with Antiochus on the emblem and army of Abubaker such cameras, who come to lower a sentry in every move. Ugh. Truly, Maccabi Haifa was two notches better than the Greeks, and once again thanks to Bat Kol for this golden hardening that prevented a robbery of the Mac House style … Sailing, it was the Romans in general. No matter, we’ll move on.

Too bad, admittedly, Shabbat Kol did not have two more minutes left to direct Sherry’s bomb a little to the left, but, as we said, we did not get to see absolute justice done in this game and as the wonderful proverbial article in Yiddish – “Sweat”.

It was our simple, excellent game, excellent. Although the beginning was a bit shaky, but after that, we took complete control of the game, and along with shocking misses, we also suffered the arm refrain of the German referee.

Anyway, for that matter, is anyone willing to explain to me how and why in a Champions League qualifier (and more in such a profile) there is no VAR? You want to tell me that the Garbage Time game of Nof Hagalil against Hapoel Jerusalem with messengers in a bathing suit, fifty people in the stands and coaches cracking pistachios – yes, but God forbid we waste TV and three judges in a trailer in a game for tens of millions of dollars? I really can not understand it.

Anyway, this milk has been spilled for a long time, and the tears on it are really unnecessary. Nor should the focus in the column be on the horrific refereeing, but on the excellent display and character that Maccabi Haifa displayed throughout almost all of the ninety minutes.

After a hesitant start, the team completely took control of the game, led by Ali Muhammad, who seemed to be replicated to three players at certain moments. Just anywhere on the pitch. A game for the pantheon, almost perfect, of Ali, in every way. Also an excellent expense going forward, also tackles and a clever position that put the amount of situations of the Greeks after the goal to one, about, and most importantly – high morale, energy he put in every touch of the ball and leadership.

This is not a trivial matter for Ali, who went through difficult months and entered a crisis, most of which was physical, but quite a bit of which also resulted from enormous mental exhaustion. Happily, we saw Ali Muhammad upgraded, perhaps in his best game in the green uniform so far.

Charon Cherry also repeatedly cocked a key dedication, plus a great range of the goal from a distance in the closing minutes. Over the years, it seems that Sherry’s decision-making and understanding is improving, and a tremendous effort must be made to keep it sharp, fresh and fresh. In my humble opinion, it definitely makes sense to consider purchasing another player to back him up for moments of rest. Michael Ohana, his condition?

Dolev Haziza, too, certainly deserved to speculate on a super-active game, even if inaccurate in most parts of the game. As we said, the voice girl did justice not only to us, the swept and tortured green carpet, but also to Dolev who, as always, left his heart, guts and blood on the grass – and came for his reward.

The defensive squad in the game is also very good, overall, even if at times cumbersome in the dedication game. Daniel Sundgren looks like someone who has been playing here for a decade, and is currently a huge upgrade over his foreign predecessors in the role. Continuity, of course, would be the key word, but in front of fast and quality players like that of Olympiacos, he gave today a simply great display, with not bad support on offense. There is room for improvement in crosses, but snagging is not a pig, worth a go.

Pierre Corno, on the other hand, played a little less well, but improved defensively as the minutes ticked by. The move forward and understanding of his game he will probably practice on other teams, and even at the goal scored he certainly has a certain part to play, even if we take into account the obscure wrestling factor that happened there, in the darkness of the missing VAR screen. And what about the brake pair? We will return to the matter later.

And Pierre to Piero – During the week, there was a complete panic, not to mention a great panic, in our green camp, when fans lost every chip of composure and rushed to crown Piero as inconceivable, fall, flop, run and sting. Increased to do some commentators who have leaked reports that are all just plain low dirt (which I also really doubt about their overall credibility) on Piero’s level and approach in training. Well, while Piero recorded a number of shocking misses, he certainly demonstrated presence, speed, deterrent physicality, qualities and understanding of play.

As it seems today, his really bad game against Be’er Sheva was more the result of a mental swell and a spot light defect than some faithful indication of his attitude and ability. Of course, it’s too early to crown him as it’s too early to bury him, but I hope at least the dirt on local radio and “executives” will come down from now on, giving the man the time to adjust and adapt to the group.

In general – the bench went into the game really well today, as a whole. After a weak and sluggish game against Beer Sheva, Muhammad Abu Fani showed that his place in the starting lineup, and together with Ali Muhammad, created a formidable midfielder who recreated the great press on which the 2021-22 championship is recorded. Nikita as if he did not leave, came in full of commitment from the bench and caused a riot in the front and San Menachem also surprised with a good physical confrontation with the players on the wing.

On the least bright side of the arc is a noble Omar, in a bad game, inaccurate and generally nervous. I’m not worried about him, he will give his, in the local arena.

Now, with your permission, we will dwell on the pair of brakes, or rather on the main brake in the pair, Bogdan Planic. Along with the Piero storm, an even bigger storm intensified, given the possibility that Bogdan Planic would find himself in a destination other than the green uniform.

I already talked about it in a column last week, but I feel there is more than room to stress how much the release of Planich, if God forbid happens, will be a stunningly dumb move, in every way, professionally, financially and otherwise.

Yankele Shachar was quoted as saying of the deal, which appears to be “good money.” A moment of math, at your disposal – let’s say we get the full amount, we were 1.8, on dear Bogdan. Out of them Jackie Ben Zaken cuts down at least 1.1 on Svetkovic, and that’s also the day you catch him in Santa Claus mode. If we consider the reduction in wages between the two, we are talking about something like, say, a million euros of profit, which is a very generous overestimation.

What good money is in that, God knows … especially when this good money will probably go to the charity for the welfare of Betar Jerusalem, in exchange for the question mark named Zargari. Of the legendary club legend, Mr. Chen Azriel, even before we talked about another brake that needs to be signed at Maccabi Haifa, subject to such and other citizens.

Now, professionally, and although some commentators with floppy disk memory are blabbering on about the fact that Planich is a mediocre brake, I guess those of us who have not experienced any strong injury in the head area understand that Bogdan Planic is a much better brake, and I mean very much, Mennad Svetkovic ‘.

Not only that, suppose Svetkovic will show the same level as Planich (I came generously to this part of the column, what can I tell you), to produce coordination between the various parts of the defense is a process that takes time, time we have not given the European tasks ahead of us, whether champions And whether in the Europa League or any other enterprise.

To put it bluntly – replacing such an acute part, a mainstay of the team, at this stage of the season, can undermine the whole team, cost the club tens of millions of shekels, and worse – can cost the club even a really important title in the local arena. So the “good money” that Yankele will receive on this sale will become void in the sixties compared to the professional and economic losses that such a threatening move can create.

Give him 600, give him 550 and bonuses, give him another upgrade, and he will stay, with and without realizing the clause in his contract. You know it, he knows it, we know it. No excuse, smear and sending speakers to the media will cover up the injustice and stupidity involved in losing the traitor. You have zero backs in the audience for this move, zero. No one will help you, and you will catch the fire on him, and rightly so!

We have seen so many times how adhering to a stupid principle of the club’s captains smashes us a season (warm greetings from Eran Zehavi who returned from Palermo, from the era of Tal and Zandberg who made us “run away”, and especially from Dutra and Starkman).

We did our duty, bought subscriptions and tickets en masse, did your duty and kept the team as strong and competitive as possible. Send your warmth across the synthetic grass and close this saga already. You have the money to do it. In the end you will see, everyone will benefit from Planich’s stay, huge.

We will end anyway, in High Note, as they say in jest, because the great bunch, our dear bonbonno, certainly deserve all the compliments. Both on the ability and on keeping the head upright and the determination until the last second. While this result is far from ideal, given that an unpleasant baptism of fire in the stadium with the unlikely name of Olympiacos still awaits us. The chances are not great, it must be said honestly, but there is certainly nothing to fear and nothing to cancel in advance. We need to be careful, smart and determined, even more than yesterday, and go know – maybe a great miracle will be there.

In the meantime, we have already gained one very significant asset from this game – hope and optimism for the future, in Israel and in Europe.

A green and great week for everyone.

post Scriptum. How much can we be abused, Haifa Municipality. Fulfilled Maccabiah, determined in advance, etc. What is the connection of this hallucinatory party in the area during a Maccabi Haifa game? Zero reason and logic in decision making, but we are already used to it.

We’ll meet in the election, I guess

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