Unibz’s alarm: “Every year we lose registrations due to high rents” – Bolzano

by times news cr

BOLZANO. Unibz repeats like a mantra that there is a lack of accommodation: “The prices are prohibitive, so we lose registrations.” They, the kids, united in the association, have been raising the problem for years: “We’re late, we need it now.” The cost of housing ended up at the center of the first meeting between the new rector Alex Weissensteiner and the representation of the student association sh.asus.

In Bolzano inflation is felt more than elsewhere and it is not possible to ask families, already at their limits, to make efforts that they are unable to handle. Speaking of student residences, in September the Municipality gave the OK to 580 beds which cannot exceed 600 euros. The first with the Habitat company which belongs to the Tosolini group, for the property in viale Druso/piazza Adriano (210 spaces). The others with Demeter srl for a property to be built in via Siemens/via Volta (another 370 spaces).

A few days ago the transfer from INPS to the Province of the numbers Piazza Vittoria 39 and Corso Libertà 9 and the numbers 1 and 2 of Via Orazio where – in part – another 110 student accommodations will be built. Günther Mathà, general director of Unibzsays that we are still late: «We have to wait two years if all goes well, but the places are needed now. Every year we lose a good 20% of registrations, precisely due to high rents. We must be careful, because if on the one hand we are doing our utmost to grow a trilingual university, I am thinking of the newly created faculty of Engineering, but also of Computer Science, Economics, etc. on the other hand, students “run away” elsewhere for rent. We end up losing our attractiveness.

Then there is a segment of students who are no longer able to afford their studies and inclusiveness is at stake.” But there are also those who pay high prices. “Of course, but they are 5% of the total, they are privileged.” They can afford the Ferrari Tower next to Cineplexx. With rents from 1,000 to 1,200 euros per month depending on the accommodation.

Alexander von Waltherpresident of sh.asus says that for the first time important steps forward have been made: «I think I can say that the Province has finally understood that we have a problem. It seems to me that the matter has improved since he became Assessor Philipp Achhammerthese 110 new former INPS homes are important.” Von Walther says that provincial student residences have affordable prices ranging from 250 to 300 euros, again depending on the accommodation.

«This must be done also because a university student not only has to pay for the room, but also has to live and Bolzano is very expensive. And the money here is never enough.”

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