Unilab offers 1,298 remaining vacancies for Reoption and Readmission in on-site undergraduate courses (CE and BA)

by time news

The Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Prograd/Unilab) opens enrollment, March 17th to 22ndfor filling 1,298 remaining vacancies of semesters 2021.1 and 2021.2 in on-site undergraduate courses offered by the University, for the modality of Internal Change of Course (Reoption) and Return (Readmission), for enrollment in the academic period 2022.2, at Campus das Auroras, Redenção/Ceará, and at Campus dos Malês, São Francisco do Conde/Bahia, as per the Announcement 01/2023.

The selection process, announced in this Announcement, will be valid exclusively for enrollment in semester 2022.2, in undergraduate courses offered by Unilab, at Campus das Auroras, in Ceará, and at Campus dos Malês, in Bahia, within the limit of vacancies, according to Notice 01/2023.

The contest will consist of two calls:
on the first callshould send the pre-registration documents only the candidates called within the number of vacancies established in the Public Notice.
on the second callqualifying candidates will be able to send the documentation, but the number of vacancies remaining and the order of classification of candidates will be observed up to the limit of vacancies offered.


Before registering, the candidate must read Public Notice 01/2023., its annexes and the normative acts mentioned therein, to make sure that he/she meets all the requirements for participation and accepts all the conditions set out therein.
Students who are in the last semester of their original course cannot apply to change course.
Unilab will not be responsible for unrealized registrations as a result of any technical problems of Information Technology or failures in data transmission, communication, congestion of communication lines, as well as other factors that make data transfer impossible.
The application for registration will be admitted by completing an electronic form and sending the necessary documentation to the e-mail: ([email protected]), within the period of 17 a 22 March 2023.

Pre-enrollment and Enrollment
The registration procedure at Unilab will necessarily take place in two stages:

pre-registration: pre-registration will be carried out virtually through an electronic system that will be made available on the dates established in the schedule.

Curriculum Registration: Curriculum enrollment will take place at the course coordinators in disciplines from the 2nd semester onwards according to the PPC of each course, on dates and times to be communicated to pre-enrolled candidates. It is the responsibility of the interested party to pay attention to the information in order to stay up to date. The candidate must send an email to the coordination during the registration confirmation period on the date indicated in the schedule, preferably on the first day.

Check out the pages: (https://prograd.unilab.edu.br/mudanca-de-curso-2022-2-2-edicao/) or (https://unilab.edu.br/editais-pro-reitoria- of graduation/).

Carefully read Notice 01/2023!

Attachments to Notice 01/2023

Check the vacancy schedule:

Follow the schedule of activities below:

Further information on the Notices page – Pro-Rectory of Graduation.

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