Unilab vivarium resumes its research and training activities

by time news

O Bioterium of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) – administrative unit linked to the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS), located in the Academic Unit of Palmares, in Acarape/CE, resumed its activities with the creation of mice (Mouse muscle) Swiss.

The unit consists of raising and maintaining rodents, with the aim of meeting the university’s teaching and research demands, always following the ethical aspects of laboratory animal science and current legislation.

According to the laboratory’s coordination, animal husbandry was not taking place due to the long period of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this way, the in-person resumption of servers last year (2022) allowed thinking about the resumption of animal husbandry.

The team of researchers intends to start a new colony of animals focused on the production of mice, after the purchase of matrices already foreseen in PAC 2023. This equipment will meet the needs of disciplines and experiments of all courses of the institution that need to use of animals and with a protocol approved by the Committee on Ethics and Animal Experimentation (CEEA/Unilab), whether undergraduate or graduate. It should be noted that there are already projects approved by CEEA with the use of animals.

In view of the work carried out over the last few years at Unilab, the operation of the Vivarium is considered essential for undergraduate disciplines in the pharmacy course and, in the future, in the medical course.

At the Vivarium, the research carried out will contribute significantly to the training of qualified professionals for research in the biomedical area, thus allowing a great multiplier effect in which these new professionals can increase the number of lines of research and publications to be carried out. .

According to Raquel Petrilli Eloy, professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, linked to the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS), the Animal Facility at Unilab “broadens research perspectives. We will be able to evaluate the in vivo effect of the formulations that we are developing in the laboratories”, he highlighted.

The process of discovery and development of new drugs, still in its pre-clinical evaluation phase, requires the use of experimentation in animal models in order to confirm a previous evidenced in vitro activity, in addition to observing possible toxic effects in mammals simulating what would happen in an animal even a small one
port. In this way, the implementation of the Vivarium at Unilab strengthens the scientific research of new therapeutic approaches within the domains of the university, strengthening the cooperation between the professors of the institution itself”, clarified Jamerson de Oliveira, professor of the Pharmacy course.

As for future activities, the acquisition of inputs, medical-veterinary materials, new equipment, environmental enrichment devices and even materials for the implementation of experiments with rats (Rattus novergicus) is foreseen.

Thiago Moura, nurse and director of ICS/Unilab, points out the need to strengthen the Vivarium. Currently, the physical space is small for the vivarium to operate, already knowing the demand that is emerging with the advancement of the Pharmacy course and the implementation of the Medicine course. “We need to invest even more in this space so that we have opportunities to expand the possibilities of practical classes and research that can generate results for the university”, he said.

About the Vivarium

The physical space is located in Block 2, Room 213, at the Palmares Academic Unit, in Acarape/CE. Unilab’s Vivarium can be classified as a ‘breeding unit’, consisting of a reception, warehouse, animal room, hygiene room and laboratory. In addition, an experimentation room is in the process of being set up, which will facilitate the execution of the institution’s research projects, ensuring animal welfare. The vivarium team is made up of a veterinarian and a bioterist, both with experience to guarantee the proper maintenance of the equipment.

It should be noted that the Animal Facility is an essential complementary body for the Medicine Course, which is expected to be implemented in the year 2023, as it is intended for the accommodation of animals undergoing experimentation for biomedical purposes.

According to Anelise Alves, veterinarian and coordinator of the Vivarium, the conditions of maintenance and well-being of the animals are in accordance with the Brazilian Guideline for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific and Educational Purposes (DBCA) and the regulations defined by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (Concea), a member of the structure of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (Mcti), body responsible for inspection and regulation on the creation, maintenance and use of experimental animals in accordance with the Arouca Law nº 11,794/2008.

“We have a physical structure with adequate conditions to accommodate mice and rats, as long as it is scheduled in advance with the vivarium. In addition to educational actions, promotion of the 3Rs (Reduction, Refinement and Replacement) and assistance veterinarian to housed animals. We prioritize the welfare of animals and the execution of projects, following strict ethical standards”, explained Anelise, a veterinarian linked to the ICS.


For those interested in training, in addition to being selected as an intern, the coordination of the Vivarium will hold a course on “Management of Laboratory Animals”, with a workload of 30h, addressing the themes: Lei Arouca, Animal Welfare, Micro and Macroenvironment of a Vivarium, Management and manipulation of rodents used in research.

For further information, contact us via e-mail: ([email protected]).

Related articles: Unilab’s vivarium begins its activities with the creation of Swiss mice and the Commission learns about the infrastructure of the vivarium at the University of Fortaleza

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