Unilab’s Rector participates in Andifes Full Board meeting

by time news

Unilab’s Rector, Roque Albuquerque (left), participates in the Andifes Full Board meeting.

The rector of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), Roque Albuquerque, participated in the 157th Extraordinary Meeting of the Full Council of the National Association of Directors of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Andifes), on February 14th and 15th .

Albuquerque highlighted that the main agenda of the meeting was budget recomposition. “The year 2022 is not over for many universities. Unilab managed to close 2022 with everything paid and prioritizing student assistance in terms of outstanding payments. The expectation is that by March the recomposition will take place”, he highlighted.

The dean also highlighted the presence of minister Luciana Santos, from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), and the secretary of the Higher Education Secretariat (Sesu/MEC), Denise Carvalho, which reinforces the relevance of Andifes for the country. .

“Andifes is very important for our universities, it is the sum of all of them, with all the strength that universities have, responsible for research in Brazil, and, by the way, most cutting-edge research goes through universities . For us, at Unilab, being present and understanding Andifes’ commitment to all deans and universities is very important”, he stressed.


During the 157th Extraordinary Meeting of the Full Board of Andifes, the aforementioned Minister Luciana Santos, from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), and the Secretary of the Higher Education Secretariat (Sesu/MEC), Denise Carvalho, as well as such as the presentation by the National Forum of Provosts for People Management (Forgepe) on the meeting with the Secretary for People Management and Labor Relations, from the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, Sérgio Mendonça.

With regard to the budget recomposition agenda, there were reports from the Forum of Pro-Rectors of Planning and Administration (Forplad). Also presented were the report of the Commission on Memory, Museums and Cultural, Artistic and Scientific Heritage; reports from the Communication Commission of Andifes and the College of Communication Managers of Federal Universities (Cogecom); and reports from the Ifes College of Pro-Rectors for Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation (Copropi).

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