Unilab’s rectory pays homage to International Women’s Day

by time news

The celebration of International Women’s Day highlights the importance of women in society and the history of the fight for their rights. Today, as a form of thanks and recognition for this very special day, the Rectory of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), in the person of Prof. doctor Roque Albuquerque and the Vice-Rector Profa. Dr. Cláudia Carioca presented each employee on the Ceará campuses with a bonbon and a rosebud.

Early in the morning, upon arrival at work, Dean Roque Albuquerque visited each unit on the Liberdade campus, congratulated the women present and thanked them for all the dedication, effort and professionalism that the Technical-Administrative servants in Education (TAEs), outsourced workers and interns offer to the daily life of the university.

The dean did not hide his joy and contentment at the reunion with servants with years of service to the university, as well as meeting recently sworn servants and newly arrived interns, in addition, of course, to providing, with words of thanks, his due homage:

“In 1917, for the first time, International Women’s Day was instituted, as a milestone in the clear struggle to be able to advance over those delays. But, when we look at Unilab, we look at Ceará, we expand to Brazil, cross the ocean, get there, from Mozambique to Angola, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde, and to not to forget anyone, I include Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor, on the other side too. And all these women who make up Unilab are women who make a difference, they are strong women, with immense discernment who occupy these spaces here (Ceará) and in Bahia. Our intense desire to see them always succeed remains to these women, to see them reaching and rising to ever higher positions. On behalf of Professor Cláudia, of our pro-rectors, who are women, Brazilian and African women, we congratulate the entire community. I hope that this day is a fantastic day, very light, very loose and that we can see the wide open smiles there. It cost? A big hug from your dean”.

Vice-Rector Cláudia Carioca, as a legitimate representative of these advances and achievements of women in our society, also left her message:

“Beautiful women at Unilab, today is our day: March 8, International Women’s Day, but we know that it is a specific date and that it extends to the rest of our lives: past, present and future. We women are the driving force behind everything that exists. We are mothers, we are professionals, we are lovers, we are wives, we are people who contribute everything that exists in this world. We are too important. Everybody knows it. Including the men. I want to leave here a big hug for you. May today we celebrate our femininity and much more than that: Embrace each other and congratulate ourselves, because we deserve it. We are women.”

In the afternoon, the delivery of the International Women’s Day souvenirs takes place at the Auroras Campus and at the Palmares Unit.

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