Union elections: clear progress of FO in hospitals

by time news

Posted Dec 13 2022 at 18:57Updated Dec 13. 2022 at 19:27

If the provisional results already published concerning the State and the territorial civil service do not reflect major upheavals in the balance of power between the unions of civil servants, it is otherwise in the hospitals. The Ministry of Health published this Tuesday the scores for the hospital public service, whose million agents were also called upon to vote from 1is to December 8.

If they were confirmed, which we will know on Friday, they could even cause an upheaval in the ranking of all public functions combined: second behind the CGT, the CFDT was only 0.9 points ahead of Force Ouvrière in 2018. .

A possible upheaval in the general classification

The latter, which has consolidated its position as the first organization within the State, would also have progressed by 2 points among hospital workers. In 2018, during the last professional elections, it had already passed in front of Laurent Berger’s central. This time, FO widens the gap significantly, to 26.72% against 24.1% for the CFDT.

The two organizations are signatories to the so-called “Ségur de la Santé” salary agreement, thanks to which hospital staff obtained 7.5 billion euros, a base revaluation of 183 euros net per month, and an acceleration of promotions. But they did not derive the same electoral benefit from it: the decline in audience already observed continued for the CFDT, with a further loss of 0.4 points.

The organizations that refused to sign the “Ségur” did not benefit from it. Like Solidaires, the CGT has seen its audience decline. It returned to 30.37%, against 31.4% in 2018. But the Montreuil plant remains in the lead.

This evolution of the trade union landscape in the hospital public service is part of a context of a net drop in participation. This was below 50% during the last professional elections in 2018. This time it fell below 40%, to 38%.

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