Union elections: FO takes second place in the public service from the CFDT

by time news

Posted Dec 15 2022 at 19:26

These are still provisional results published on Thursday by the Ministry of Transformation and the Public Service. But the CFDT took note of this on Thursday. With a score of 18.5% in the representation elections which took place between 1is and on December 8 among civil servants, it indeed lost second place, conceding a drop in audience of 0.5 points in favor of FO which posted an increase of the same order and reached 18.7%. Force Ouvrière, which had seen its public audience drop in 2018, managed to erase it this year.

If Laurent Berger’s central office is losing influence in the State civil service and in the territorial sector, it is the good performance of Force Ouvrière among hospital civil servants which explains this demotion, which, underline the cededist civil servants in their statement, was played to 3,000 votes.

The effects of “Ségur de la santé”

In 2018, during the last professional elections, the CFDT was overtaken by FO at the hospital but not enough to modify the balance of power at the level of the entire public service, unlike this time. It must be said that the gap widened significantly at the hospital, reaching 2.5 points.

Something to think about because like FO, Laurent Berger’s central initialed the “Ségur de la Santé” thanks to which the staff obtained a base revaluation of 183 euros net per month and an acceleration of promotions. If the CGT and Solidaires were sanctioned at the ballot box for having rejected this agreement, the CFDT did not benefit from its initialling since its results stagnated within the hospital public service, unlike Force Ouvrière which won more than 2 dots.

This has also progressed within the State, where it is particularly well established in the Ministry of the Interior, among the police and prison staff, which has distinguished itself by a high rate of participation, although in drop compared to 2014. It has indeed exceeded 75% when on average within the State, it has not reached 45%.

Loss of influence of the CGT

Force Ouvrière will however remain at the end of the election of representativeness among the civil servants third on the whole of the wage earner. Despite its poor performance, the CFDT, for its part, will retain its place as the leading French union, public and private alike, snatched in 2018 from the CGT.

It should even widen the gap a little. But it is thanks to the new loss of influence of the central Philippe Martinez in the public service where it fell from 21.8% in 2018 to 20.8% in 2022. A decline twice as strong as that of the CFDT.

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