unions announce blocked France on Tuesday

by time news

Union leaders have warned: France will be ” off “ March 7. And perhaps beyond since the inter-union in the transport sector calls for a renewable strike from Monday March 6 at 7 p.m. without an end date. Behind the unit at the SNCF or the RATP, however, we have heard, since the beginning of the movement, a downside: “our mobilization must not allow others to strike by proxy”, repeat the railwaymen, who monitor their purchasing power. The continuation of their movement will therefore depend on the commitment of employees in other sectors and in particular those in the private sector. Message received five out of five by the electricians who mobilized themselves before the weekend, and by the truck drivers, who, at the call of Force Ouvrière (FO), began to disengage on Sunday evening 5 and prepare, during the week the blocking of important logistics platforms. The other truck drivers’ unions – CGT, CFDT, CFTC, CFE-CGC – are concentrating on the strike of March 7 and 8 and will join them in also organizing “filtering barriers”, particularly at the borders.

Read also: Strikes against pension reform: traffic will be “very severely disrupted” on Tuesday, announce SNCF and RATP

The Confédération paysanne also contacted FO to block certain roundabouts. Another expected mobilization: that of slaughterhouse employees for whom the mandatory annual negotiations on wages begin with very low proposals, and deemed unacceptable. “It triggered a very big anger, warn Frédéric Souillot, secretary general, and Patricia Drevon, confederal secretary in charge of agrifood, at FO: the intersyndicale has decided to block production from Monday evening to Friday. Next weekend there could be less meat on the supermarket shelves”. At Airbus, where the movement against the reform also coincides with wage discussions, FO expects a continued strike action. At Stellantis, the CFDT insists: “no car should leave the factories” and block nearby roundabouts by handing out leaflets.

Energy, at the forefront

From Thursday March 2, the warning to the Head of State resounded loudly in the patio Georges-Séguy of the CGT: “Emmanuel Macron, if you continue, it will be all dark at home! », chanted activists at the headquarters of the union organization, in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). Majority among electricians and gas, the federation CGT Mines-energy intends “to harden the tone”, with “a black week” starting Monday, March 6. Various methods are possible: shutdown of sites, such as nuclear power plants; actions like “Robins Hood” electricity, intended to restore power to certain households; or even targeted cuts, for example of parliamentary offices of elected officials in favor of pension reform. “We would only follow the instructions of the government, which recommends energy sobriety for non-essential buildings, quips Fabrice Coudour, federal secretary of the CGT Mines-Énergie. We, we consider that the permanence of an elected official unable to listen to the anger and the opposition of the workers is not essential. »

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