Unions slam the door to negotiations again

by time news

Another failure at the negotiating table. After an hour of meeting, the teachers’ unions slammed the door on Monday on the “pact” part of the increase in teachers’ salaries. While the unions say they are demanding “an ambitious revaluation without compensation for all staff”, the government, for its part, is offering additional missions in return for a salary increase.

Criticized by the unions during the first meeting, the ministry advanced on Monday a modulation of the “pact” with three units of 1,250 euros, up to a “pact” at 3,750 euros gross increase per year. But it must necessarily include certain missions such as short-term replacement in the second degree and hours of deepening and support in maths and French for 6th graders in the first degree, as part of the recent college reform. , we say rue de Grenelle.

“Teachers don’t want to work more. The hours they currently spend at work are already skyrocketing. We cannot ask them for compensation and especially not in the context of this gas plant, ”annoys Guislaine David, general secretary of Snuipp-FSU, the first primary union. For Catherine Nave-Bekhti, secretary general of Sgen-CFDT, “the proposals on the pact are like on pensions, it induces an increase in work, without taking into account the real work already done and the experience at work”.

” It’s no “

This was the second meeting on the “pact” part. The FO and CGT unions had already left the negotiations in January. “It is not insignificant that all the unions are leaving this meeting. We have never had any illusions about this “pact” but the additional workload that is proposed is much too heavy, it is not”, affirms Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the first secondary union.

According to the press release published on Monday, the unions say they have “confirmed that the pact is an instrument which in no way meets the expectations of colleagues and the needs of the school”. No response is provided on the issue of gender pay inequalities: “the pact will even worsen these inequalities, it is unacceptable! “, they lament. “It’s ‘working more to earn more’, but it risks being done to the detriment of working better in schools and degrading the teaching conditions for students”, adds Gilles Langlois, national secretary of SE-Unsa. .

The conclusion meeting of these consultations on the upgrading of the teaching profession was scheduled for March 13. This calendar will be shifted, without a specific date at this stage. The ministry says “not to despair of arriving at improvements”, recalling that it wishes “a consultation with the strongest possible adhesion and not a signed agreement”.

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