United Kingdom: facing inflation, third day of strike in transport

by time news

To the point of death. Transport in the United Kingdom is affected on Saturday by a new day of strike for wages, after a first walkout of railway workers on Thursday and a strike in the London Underground on Friday, in the face of high inflation. In the middle of the school holidays, only about one in five trains will run on Saturday because of this strike at the call of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT), Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) and Unite unions, which are demanding a salary increase adapted to the increase in the cost of living.

Negotiations with the multitude of private rail operators in the sector have so far stalled. Transport Minister Grant Shapps, accused of blocking the situation, for his part criticizes the trade unions for refusing reforms to modernize rail and assured Friday that he could force through. Saturday’s strike will notably disrupt the movement of tourists, football fans going to matches and festival-goers. It should also affect train traffic on Sunday morning.

The United Kingdom is currently experiencing a new salvo of massive walkouts affecting in particular transport, post and ports. It is the biggest strike in decades against inflation, which reached 10.1% over one year in July and could exceed 13% in October, the highest level of a G7 country.

“People are struggling to make a living”

On Sunday, dockers at the port of Felixstowe (east of England) – the largest for freight in the country – start an eight-day strike, threatening to shut down much of the country’s freight traffic. On the rail side, Mick Lynch, general secretary of the RMT, said the strikers had public support saying they were “right behind us”.

“I think the British public are tired of being ripped off by this government and by British businesses, with companies like BP and British Gas making huge profits while people are struggling to make a living,” he said. he said on the BBC on Saturday.

While the walkouts of the railway workers have continued in episodes since June, for lack of a wage agreement, Mick Lynch assured to continue to seek “solutions” but considered “very likely” the prospect of new strikes.

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