United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres Calls Out Israel’s Military Operations in Gaza

by time news

UN Chief Says Gaza Military Operations Show ‘Clearly Wrong’ Number of Civilians Killed

NEW YORK, Nov 8 (Reuters) – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that the number of civilians killed in the Gaza Strip shows that there is something “clearly wrong” with Israel’s military operations against Hamas Palestinian militants. Guterres spoke at the Reuters NEXT conference in New York City, where he addressed the ongoing conflict in the region.

Israel has vowed to wipe out Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, after the militants killed 1,400 people and took more than 240 hostages in an Oct. 7 attack. In response, Israel has struck Gaza from the air, imposed a siege, and launched a ground invasion, leading to a significant number of civilian casualties.

Guterres emphasized that while there are indeed violations by Hamas when they use human shields, the significant number of civilians killed in the military operations indicates that something is “clearly wrong” with the approach being taken by Israel. The U.N. chief pointed out that the Palestinian officials have reported 10,569 people killed in Gaza, with 40% of the casualties being children.

The United Nations has been advocating for a humanitarian ceasefire to allow aid access to Gaza, which Guterres described as “catastrophic.” He has also been working to increase humanitarian aid deliveries to the region but acknowledged that it has been “too little, too late” until now.

In addition to calling for a humanitarian ceasefire, Guterres outlined a “best-case scenario” for the post-conflict situation in Gaza, which would involve the re-invigoration of the Palestinian Authority and a negotiated transition period with Israel.

Guterres also stressed the importance of making a clear distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people, noting that failing to do so could result in the loss of the meaning of humanity itself.

The U.N. secretary-general’s remarks come amid intensified efforts by the international community to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and push for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Until then, Guterres stressed the need for an effective humanitarian aid flow into Gaza to address the dramatic needs of the population.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Will Dunham)

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