United Nations for World Peace | United Nations intergovernmental organization

by time news

The United Nations Organization was established in 1945 with the goal of world peace. In August 1941, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the United States Atlantic Charter signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt A new committee will be formed to resolve global disputes in Ruman was responsible for forming the organization. The Commonwealth of Nations was formed on October 24, 1945 with 51 nations under the leadership of the United States, Russia, and Britain. The Tra Church was officially established in San Francisco. To commemorate this, the world celebrates 24th October as UN Day. The ritual started since 1948. There are six main components of the UN. General Assembly, Security Committee, Trusteeship Council, International Justice the court,

Economic and Social Committee and Secretariat. Apart from these, there are many agencies working under the UN. The headquarters of the United Nations is Manhattan, New York.


1. Paul-Henri Spack (Belgium) is the first elected President to preside over the first session of the United Nations General Assembly. He was the Foreign Minister of Belgium.

2. The current Secretary General of the United Nations is Antonio Guterres from Portugal, who succeeded South Korea’s Ban Ki-moon.

Antonio Guterres

3. The UN General Assembly elects a President and 21 Vice Presidents. The term is one year. General Assembly sessions are presided over by UN presidents. Since 1971, Secretary Generals have been elected for five-year terms. The General Secretary can serve a second term at the discretion of the delegates.

4. Members from Western Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa shall be elected annually to the position of President.

5. The main task of the United Nations is to promote and maintain human rights and international peace. The international organization works to deliver aid, prevent conflicts and establish peace.

6. At the time of its formation, the UN had 51 member states. Today there are 193 countries in the United Nations.

7. The UN is actively fighting climate change in 140 countries. The UN has made 80 declarations for the protection of human rights. Many agreements were made.

8. During World War II, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt used the term ‘United States’ to refer to the Allies.

9. South Sudan is the 193rd member of the United Nations. This country joined the UN in 2011.

10. The building and land in New York City where the headquarters of the United Nations is located is considered international territory.

11. John D. Rockefeller Jr. purchased the site of the United Nations building in New York City. The building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer and Le Corbusier.

12. The United Nations has its own postage stamp and post office. UN stamps are available from UN offices in Vienna, Geneva and New York.

13. The UN uses six official languages ​​- English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian and Chinese. At the same time, the UN is promoting the translation.

UN agencies and symbols


International Labor Organization

Founded: 1919

Headquarters: Geneva


International Atomic Energy Agency

Founded: 1957

Headquarters: Vienna


Food and Agriculture Organization

Founded: 1945

Headquarters: Rome


United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

Founded: 1945

Headquarters: Paris


World Health Organization

Founded: 1948

Headquarters: Geneva


International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Founded: 1944

Headquarters: Washington


World Meteorological Organization

Founded: 1950

Headquarters: Geneva


International Maritime Organization

Founded: 1958

Headquarters: London


United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

Founded: 1946

Headquarters: New York


World Trade Organization

Founded: 1995

Headquarters: Geneva


United Nations Development Programme

Founded: 1965

Headquarters: New York


United Nations Environmental Programme

Founded: 1972

Headquarters: Nairobi


United Nations Fund for Population Activities

Founded: 1969

Headquarters: New York


United Nations High Commission for Refugees

Founded: 1950

Headquarters: Geneva


United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Founded: 1966

Headquarters: Vienna


International Fund for Agricultural Development

Founded: 1977

Headquarters: Rome


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Founded: 1964

Headquarters: Geneva


United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Founded: 1963

Headquarters: Geneva


(United Nations Relief and Work for Palestine Refugees in the West Asia)

Founded: 1949

Headquarters: Amman


World Food Programme

Founded: 1961

Headquarters: Rome


United Nations World Tourism Organization

Founded: 1946

Headquarters: Madrid


World Intellectual Property Organization

Founded: 1967

Headquarters: Geneva


United Nations Volunteers

Founded: 1970

Headquarters: Germany


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Founded: 1977

Headquarters: Vienna


International Trade Centre

Founded: 1964

Headquarters: Geneva


United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Founded: 1978

Headquarters: Nairobi


Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization

Established: 1996

Headquarters: Vienna


International Development Association

Founded: 1960

Headquarters: Washington


International Finance Corporation

Founded: 1956

Headquarters: Washington


International Monetary Fund

Founded: 1944

Headquarters: Washington


International Civil Aviation Communication Organization

Founded: 1944

Headquarters: Montreal


Universal Postal Union

Founded: 1874

Headquarters: Bern


International Telecommunication Union

Founded: 1865

Headquarters: Geneva


Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Founded: 1997

Headquarters: The Hague


Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

Established: 1988

Headquarters: Washington


International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Founded: 1966

Headquarters: Washington


United Nations Capital Development Fund

Founded: 1966

Headquarters: New York


United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Established: 2010

Headquarters: New York


United Nations Peace Building Commission

Established: 2005

Headquarters: New York

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