United States: pinned for his behavior, star presenter Jimmy Fallon apologizes

by time news

2023-09-08 18:58:38

He says he is particularly “embarrassed”. Star presenter Jimmy Fallon, known for hosting the “Tonight Show” on the American channel NBC, had to apologize to his colleagues this Thursday, after the publication of an investigation denouncing his toxic behavior on the film set.

“It’s embarrassing and I feel so bad. Sorry if I embarrassed you, as well as your family and your friends,” reacted the comedian, known for hosting humorous interviews and game shows with the biggest stars of American pop culture, according to several American newspapers, including the specialized magazine Variety.

“I feel so bad, I can’t even describe it. I want this show to be fun, it should be inclusive for everyone, it should be funny, it should be the best show, with the best people,” the host continued during a videoconference with his teams.

Anger and insults

In a survey published by the magazine Rolling Stone this Thursday, 16 employees and ex-employees of the show “The Tonight Show” denounced, on condition of anonymity, a toxic work environment on the set of the program.

In question, constant pressure due to changes in Jimmy Fallon’s moods, capable at any time of outbursts of anger, humiliation, personal insults, sometimes caused by excessive alcohol consumption, says the investigation.

“When Jimmy was in a bad mood, everyone’s day was ruined. Nobody made jokes anymore, people didn’t hang around too much, didn’t talk to each other. Everyone was concentrating on their task because Jimmy was in a bad mood, and he could leave at a quarter turn, ”says a witness. Other staff members also allege mistreatment by other show officials.

Several of these former employees, part of the show’s authors, the production team or even the administration of the “show”, also say they used the guest boxes of the show as “rooms”. crying”, in order to vent their emotions. Some say they suffered psychologically and physically from these difficult working conditions – to the point of having had suicidal thoughts for three of the witnesses in the investigation.

“Measures have been taken”

In a press release, the NBC channel wanted to defend its show. “We are incredibly proud of The Tonight Show and providing a respectful work environment is a top priority. As in any workplace, employees have raised issues; these have been investigated and action has been taken where appropriate,” the channel said.

“As is always the case, we encourage employees who believe they have experienced or observed behavior contrary to our policies to report their concerns so that we can respond accordingly,” the text continues.

Previously the host of “Saturday Night Live” and “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon”, the famous host took the reins of the “Tonight Show” in 2014. There, Jimmy Fallon was able to attract millions of viewers and views with content viral, including interviews with Anglo-Saxon stars, humorous sketches or even musical competitions between famous singers.

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