United States: when Joe Biden uses a staircase with short steps to avoid falls

by time news

2023-07-25 07:46:10

The downfalls of President Joe Biden have become the subject of compilations in the United States. Apart from the “comic” aspect of the thing, the state of health of the American president three years after his election is a real topic of conversation in the run-up to the next elections across the Atlantic. To prevent a very embarrassing relapse in the run-up to the next campaign, Potus’ close advisers have come up with a solution selon NBCwho investigated the question: use, especially during presidential trips which are televised, a staircase with shorter steps for the climb in Air Force One.

NBC News analysts say Joe Biden’s use of the short-step stair, which obviously reduces the risk of a potentially viral TV crash, has more than doubled since his last crash last June. This event marked public opinion and convinced the presidential team to react. In the weeks preceding his fall on stage – due to a sandbag according to the official version – the tenant of the White House used the “short” staircase to get on and off the presidential plane in only 37% of cases. Over the past seven weeks, he’s used the short-walk version 84% of the time, or 31 of the 37 times he’s gotten on and off the plane!

“You can never be too careful”

Last Thursday, during a short trip to Philadelphia to deliver a speech on the economy, Joe Biden took the “short” stairway to board the plane at Andrews Army Base, located on the outskirts of Washington, where the runway for the presidential plane is located. When he arrived in Philadelphia, he used the “grand” staircase to get off the plane, but when he left the same airport a few hours later, he boarded using the short steps. “You can never be too careful,” a presidential aide told NBC News.

Joe Biden, who is not his first fall, without counting also many blunders, is the oldest person to occupy the White House in history. “It’s a concern for everyone. We had presidents who fell before, who were much younger, and people didn’t have heart palpitations,” declared Hillary Clinton, to play down the American president’s propensity to fall. It must be said that the latter is a candidate for his own succession, and the Democratic camp is trying to look good.

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