Universities of Nuevo León advocate for quality psychological care

by time news

Eduardo Gaona, coordinator of the Legislative Group of the Citizen Movement in Nuevo León, has presented an initiative with the aim of helping young university students with problems related to mental health through quality psychological care.

Specifically, what is intended is a modification to the State Education Law, so that institutions, both public and private, have sufficient and trained personnel who can provide psychological care to all students who suffer from difficulties.

It is essential to have psychological care within the campuses

Gaona has pointed out that said program “intends to attack all the problems related to depression that usually attacks this sector of the population with great frequency… This reality warns us of the fundamental importance of having psychological support for the university students within the campuses, since that is where they carry out their daily activities and it is the place where they spend five to seven hours a day”.

In addition, the leader of the orange party in Nuevo León said that psychological care is an issue that cannot be ignored and that the state must provide maximum attention according to the number of existing students with this difficulty.

Only 72.48 percent of students do not suffer from any type of depression, a worrying figure

To document everything, Eduardo Gaona showed some statistics about it. For example, he cited that the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) has studies that, of all its higher education students, at least 12 percent suffer from very severe anxiety; 19.5 percent, severe anxiety; 21.5 percent, moderate anxiety and 47.5 percent, mild anxiety.

On the other hand, 0.89 percent experience severe depression; 5.81 percent, of moderate depression; and 20.82 percent mild depression. Only 72.48 percent do not suffer from any type of depression. What these figures show is that these mental health disorders are more common than, a priori, one might think.

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