University, a case of “no to the Green Pass”. Among the 300 signatures there is also Alessandro Barbero-

by time news
from Orsola Riva

The medieval history teacher and popularizer (he has thousands of followers on Youtube for his lessons) has signed the appeal against the obligation to green pass at the university. Hypocritical measure

Inside there is everything: professors of anthropology of tourism and teachers of probability calculus, engineers, jurists – many – and even many doctors. But to make the difference in this long list of names from A to Z, the letter B. S because it took him, Alessandro Barbero, full professor of Medieval History at the University of Piedmont, who in recent years, thanks to his extraordinary competence, passion and storytelling ability, has managed to earn a following that not even a rock star. What does the appeal signed by Professor Barbero say? That the green pass required to teachers and university students to be able to take lessons and exams safely would be a discriminatory and anti-constitutional provision as it divides the Italian company into Serie A citizens, who continue to enjoy their rights, and Serie B citizens, who instead see compressed fundamental rights, starting with the right to work and study.

A hypocritical measure

An argument, the latter, which the philosophers Giorgio Agamben and Massimo Cacciari had already raised immediately after the approval of the green pass decree. Barbero thought about reopening the debate with a stance destined to cause discussion. He himself, moreover, a few days ago, did not mince words to criticize a provision defined as hypocritical, so much so as to deserve a circle of Dante’s Inferno for its promoters. It is one thing – said Barbero speaking at a debate organized by the Florentine Fiom – to say: “Gentlemen, we have decided that the vaccine is mandatory because it is necessary, and consequently, we are now introducing the obligation”. I would have nothing to say about this. Otherwise, to say that there is no obligation, for, simply, you can no longer live, you can no longer take the trains, go to university.

No-vaxes don’t exist

On the obligation, however, the promoters of the appeal think differently from Barbero. Says Paolo Gibilisco, professor of mathematics at the University of Tor Vergata: We are against the obligation to vaccinate, and against the green pass precisely because it introduces the obligation in a surreptitious way. Professor Gibilisco is keen to underline that the appeal was also signed by many teachers who have already been vaccinated. He is not one of them because I did Covid ten months ago and I’m allergic to it. I’m considering what to do. We are not no-vax – he adds -, also because no-vax do not exist. There are people who have legitimate doubts. Covid vaccines are not Euclidean axioms that have been in use for two thousand years. We know the reactions after six months, but in the long run we know little or nothing. But at least for doctors and nurses to agree? Personally not, not even for them.

The minister’s response

The response of Minister Cristina Messa is calm but very firm: Scholars – said a Radio24 – have their opinions that they carry forward, unfortunately not all but most, based on the study. I listen to them because I think you always need to listen, but then you have to hold the bar steady and move on. Conclusion: Right now you have to think about others, not about yourself. I understand that one may think that this is a lesion of one’s individual freedom, but there is a collective freedom that prevails.

September 6, 2021 (change September 6, 2021 | 23:06)

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